Formation of an independent Italy
U.S recognizes Italy as an independent state in April 11, 1861. Kingdom of Italy incorporated the peninsula under the house of Savoy. The pictures displays the Kingdom of Italy geographical after its formation. You can see the peninsula under the house of Savoy joining with the rest of Italy. -
Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy
Italy charges into the Papal States in September of 1870. The Capture of Rome of September 20, 1870 marked the defeat of the Papal States and its unification with Italy. The picture portrays the overall violence within this event, leading to the addictions onto Italy. -
Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with the Battle of Adowa (Adwa)
Was a major defeat for Italy on Sunday March 1st, 1896. Ethiopians put an end to Italy’s imperialism in Africa. This picture displays the force and desire for Italian expansion in Africa. The Battle of Adwa caught Italians off guard, displayed by the equal if not greater force of the Ethiopians. -
Italy invades and takes over Libya
Italy invades Libya on Oct. 4, 1911, and captured Tripoli on October 5, 1911. This caused Italy to annex Tripoli. In the photo, you can see the defeat of Libyans compared to the rest of the Italian army. This displays a major victory for Italian forces. -
Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti!
Mussolini becomes editor of Avanti! a socialist newspaper in 1912. The picture of the newspaper gives proof to Mussolini being a socialist leader before his eventual shift to Fascism. This displays how much of an impact WWI had on his political ideology. -
Mussolini kicked out of Socialist Party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WWI
Mussolini wanted Italy to join WWI, differing from socialist perspectives, causing him to be expelled from the socialist party. This picture represents Mussolini's desire for war as he looks passionately into the eyes of Italian troops. This is something which causing him to become a fascist later. -
Treaty of London
Was a secret treaty between Italy and the Allied forces. Officially promised land around Italy if they fought against Austria in WWI. This pictures represents the land gains which Italy would receive if Italy joined on the allied side. This gives reason for Italy joining the allied powers. -
Beginning of Biennio Rosso
Biennio Rosso (Two Red Years) started in 1919 and created many strikes and worker demonstrations. This was mainly due to the results of WWI. The picture displays a male dangerously looking out from his factory. This displays the general fear that took place within these two years. -
Fascio di Combattimento formed in Milan
Created by Benito Mussolini in 1919, the Fascio di Combattimento was a fascist combat group. This picture is an example of fascist propaganda spreading the meeting. Through the axe we can see the violent nature of this group. -
D'Annunzio takes Fiume
D'Annunzio invaded Fiume and took control of it for Italy. This is the main inspiration for Mussolini when he took control. The pictures displays the violent nature of the invasion into Fiume, something that Mussolini would later take into his own leadership. -
Mussolini forms the PNF (Fascist Party) and is elected its leader.
On November 9th of 1921, Mussolini formed the PNF, also known as the National Fascist Party in Italy and was also elected as the leader of the party. The picture below was chosen as it depicts the logo that was chosen for the the party to use to represent itself. -
Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti
Mussolini forms an alliance with Giolitti in order to maintain Fascist strength in 1921. He promised that a fascist resolution would never happen. In the picture, the two men look content for each other, something which would later be destroyed when Mussolini achieved dominate control of Italy. This also displays Mussolini's success as a leader through compensation. -
March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister
On October 28th, 1921, Mussolini's fascist party organized a mass demonstration, a march on the capital. It came to result in Mussolini bein elected as Prime Minister of Italy and Mussolini's National Fascist Party rising to power in Italy. The picture selected depicts Mussolini leading the march on Rome, which he used to establish power for himself and his party. -
Acerbo Law Passed
In November, 1923, the Acerbo Law was passed, giving the party that gained at least 25 percent of the vote two-thirds of the seat in parliament. The picture selected depicted Mussolini's new Parliament, now mostly composed of members of the PNF. -
Corfu Incident
In August of 1923, there was a brief occupation of the Greek Island Corfu Italian forces which the League of Nations failed to settle. The picture below was chosen as it depicts the island of Greece, Corfu, that Italy temporarily occupied. -
Aventine Secession
In June of 1924, there was a withdrawal of those who opposed the fascist party from parliament, mostly the Italian Socialist party, Italian Liberal Party, Italian Communist Party, and Italian People's Party. This happened after the murder of Matteotti.The picture depicts Giacomo Matteotti, and it was chosen as it was his murder by the fascist party that when on to inspire the Aventine Secession to happen. -
Matteotti Crisis
On May 30th, 1924, Giacomo Matteotti spoke out against the Italian Fascists in parliament, calling out the 1924 election as fraud. He would be killed 11 days later. The political cartoon was selected as the picture as it depicts Mussolini sitting on a coffin with the name Matteotti on it, insinuating that Mussolini and his Fascist party were responsible for Matteoti's death, which they were. -
Battle for Grain
On June 20th, 1925, Mussolini and his fascist party declared the Battle for the Grain which was a proclamation of self-sufficiency of Italy in its wheat production. The picture that was chosen, in particular the highlighted area, shows the increase in grain production in Italy was a result of this declaration. -
Locarno Treaty signed
On December 1st, a series of treaties were negotiated and signed in Locarno Switzerland, which went on to guarantee Germany's western frontier. The picture was chosen as it shows the meeting of world leaders, Stresemann, Chamberlain, and Briand at the signing of Locarno. -
Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira
Both the Battle for Land and the Battle for the Lira occured in 1926 and both were done for the purpose of helping Italy economically. The Battle for Land resulted in the draining of swamps and marshes to allow for more land to farm. The Battle for the Lira was happened with the intent to raise the valu eof the Lira in Italy once again. The image depicts the Italian currency, the Lira, before Italy adopted the Euro. -
Battle for Births
In 1927, there was mass propaganda and state incentives given in an attempt to raise the birthrate in Italy, but this had failed by 1938, and the birthrate actually went down in that time. The picture depicts a medal given to mothers in Italy and was one of the many incentives by the state to encourage women to have more children in Italy, although it did fail. -
Kellogg-Briand Treaty signed
This photo highlights U.S Peace Advocates meeting together with Germany and France to outlaw war. As seen in the photo it is clear that it was a made attempt to to cause a repeat of WW1. -
Lateran Treaty with Pope
On February 11th, 1929, Mussolini and the Pope came to sign a treaty between Italy and the Vatican. It recognized Rome as the capital of Italy and gave the Vatican sovereignty. It also made Catholicism the official religion of Italy. The picture selected depicts Mussolini and the Pope signing the Lateran Treaty with the help of their officials. -
Abyssinian Crisis
This photo highlights the media used in which shows how Mussolini went on with the annexation of Ethiopia and creation of the Italian East Africa. -
Stresa Front
This photo highlights representatives between Britain, France, and Italy meeting to reiterate the terms of the Locarno Treaties as well as talk about any resist for future attempts to flout the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. -
Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty signed
This photo shows how Germany and Italy entered into a treaty of friendship where they pledged to pursue a common foreign policy, showing unity between both government figures. -
Italian involvement with Spanish Civil War
This photo shows how Italy became involved with the Spanish Civil War, using military force as a means of Italian fascist intervention in Spain. -
Munich Conference
The photo clearly shows the agreement established which allowed Germany to annex the Sudetenland region without military conflict. The photo shows the negotiations that ultimately appeased Hitler's demands in exchange for promises of peace. -
Italy invades Albania
This photo clearly shows the attempts of Italy invading Albania through military usage, shown through the picture drawing out a reference of where military units would enter/ strike from -
Italy enters WW II on side of Germany
This photo clearly shows how Italy joined onto the side of Germany, even using the hand gesture in front of Adolf Hitler as a form of respect and unity. -
Mussolini brought down by coup during WW II
This photo shows the coup that went against Mussolini during WW II which led to Mussolini's removal of power from the coup known as the "Gran Sasso raid", orchestrated by a group of Fascist officials who had become angered with Mussolini's leadership. -
Mussolini killed
This photo clearly shows how Mussolini was brutally murdered by a firing squad and then hanged upside down as a form of symbolism for the end of this fascist dictator.