Benito mussolini colored

Biography of Fascist Italy's Dictator; Benito Mussolini.

  • Birth.

    Benito Mussolini was born in the 29th of july of 1883, at Italia.
  • Fasces of Combat.

    Fasces of Combat.
    Mussolini founded the Fasces of Combat (the Italian combat squad) as an alternative to socialism, which animated the support of the disappointed, unemployed war veterans.
  • The Italian Chamber of Deputies.

    The Italian Chamber of Deputies.
    The combat squad became the national fascist party and Mussolini won a seat in the Italian Chamber of Deputies.
  • The March on Rome.

    The March on Rome.
    The March on Rome resulted in the fascist party taking power.
  • Prime Minister of Italy.

    Prime Minister of Italy.
    Benito Mussolini became the 40th Prime Minister of Italy and the youngest so far. Then, he spent the next year's breaking up the Italian democratic system using advertisement to represent himself as the only man qualified of unifying the country and transforming Italy into one-party state.
  • Ill duche or the leader.

    Ill duche or the leader.
    In that year, 1925, he made himself dictator and took the title of "Ill duche" or "the leader".
  • The Lateran Treaty.

    The Lateran Treaty.
    This Treaty established the long-standing dispute between Italy and the roman catholic churche and built the independent state of Vatican City. After that, he began colinizing some african countries to create a new Roman Empire.
  • Francisco Franco, Adolft Hitler & Benito Mussolini.

    Francisco Franco, Adolft Hitler & Benito Mussolini.
    In 1936 Mussolini sent military aid to the Spanish dictator, Francisco Franco, in the Spanish Civil War That fact, pushed Mussolini closer to Nazi Germany's dictator Adolf Hitler.
  • The anti-semitic manifesto of race.

    Despite their early relationship was quite unestable, Mussolini appropriated the anti-semitic manifesto of race in 1938.
  • Death.

    That day, the 28th of April of 1945, Benito Mussolini was executed at Italia.