Jan 2, 1500
1500 Renaissance period
Feb 1, 1500
Ottavio de Petrucci of Venice
Ottavio de Petrucci prints music with movable type. -
Feb 2, 1500
Jacob Arcadelt
Jacob Arcadelt was born in Belgium. He wrote madrigals, masses, chansons and motets He published 6 books of madrigals for 5 voices and three volumes of masses for 3 to 7 voices along with 24 motets and 126 French chansons. -
Feb 2, 1502
Ottavio de Petrucci of Venice
Ottavio de Petrucci publishes Josquin des Pres “First Book of Masses” -
Feb 2, 1505
Thomas Tallis
He was born in Kent, United Kingdom. Nearly all his music was written for the church and was mainly vocals. In 1517 he was granted the monopoly for printing music and music paper in England from Queen Elizabeth. He was one of the first to give the setting for the English Liturgy. -
Feb 2, 1530
Andrea Amati Born
Amati was responsible for creating the modern form of the instrument. He is known as, the father of the violin. -
Feb 2, 1532
Orlando Lassus
Lassus was born in Mons, Hainaut in Belgium. He composed church and secular voice music. The Cardinal Archbishop of Florence helped him to obtain the position of choirmaster at St. John Lateran. He wrote madrigals based on the Italian style, several German lieder and 150 French chansons. -
Feb 2, 1537
First song book with lute accompaniment is printed in Spain
Feb 2, 1564
Amati makes one of his first violins
Feb 2, 1568
Jacob Arcadelt Dies
Feb 2, 1580
Tune “Greensleeves” is first mentioned
Thomas Tallis Dies
He died on November 23, 1585, Greenwich, United Kingdom. -
Orlando Lassus Dies
He dies on November 23, 1585, in Greenwich, United Kingdom -
Johan Wilson
Wilson was born on April 5, 1595 in Faversham, United Kingdom. He was the principal composer for the King’s Men. He was known as “The best at the lute in all of England.” -
Harps are first added to orchestras
Baroque Period
“Exercitationes musicae duae”
Sethus Calvisius begins writing his book, the first history of music. -
“Exercitationes musicae duae” Finished
Johann Ahle
Ahle was born in Mühlhausen, Germany on December 24, 1625. He won a reputation as an organist in the town of St Blasius. He composed chiefly sacred vocal music in characteristic Lutheran forms of the time, influenced by elements of Italian styles. -
Teatro San Cassiano
The first public opera house opens in Venice it is called the Teatro San Cassiano -
John Wilson
John Wilson entered the King’s Musick in 1635 as a lutenist. -
“Chi soffre speri”
Marco and Vergilio Marazolli’s first comic opera -
Antonio Stradivari
He was born on December 18, 1737, Cremona, Italy. Stradivari was a crafter of stringed instruments such as violins, cellos, guitars, violas and harps. -
Music Academy
Louis XIV creates a royal dancing academy that is followed by the establishment of a music academy. -
John Wilson Dies
Wilson dies on July 9, 1673, in Mühlhausen, Germany.