Music During the Civil War
Music during the Civil war included waking up the soldiers to tell them to wake up in the morning, tell them to go to sleep, they used dinner calls, to fight in the war, when they would go to the bar, and when they marched. Music was playing a lot during this time. -
music in 1870
music in this time period was mostly used in plays and to perform. they used it as an act of entertainment. -
music 1880
in the 1880, music as still a form of entertainment. the native american sundance was banned, and new artists came up: George Upton, John Knowels Pain, and Patrick GIlmore. -
music in 1890
in 1890, this was concidered "the golden age". the african americans started the "ghost dance:\" because their dance and music was banned -
music in the 1900
music started being bigger, new artists, Elvis, started popping up and making appearences. the symphony hall was built in New York. people started becoming educated in musc, steel string guitars were made. -
music in 1910
music in 1910 started with gospel music and rainbow records was created. Metropolitan opera and mexican revolution and immagration. the owner of rainbow recordswas seen as a sex symbol or "ladies man" -
music in 1920
JAZZ. jazz came roaring in the 1920, they had jazz marching band, dance bands, and concerts. radios were more popular, brodway was very big, and is still carried on today. the 1920 has yet to be silenced. -
music in the 1930
in the 1930, the swing era was very popular, not much more. there was an aggresive swing dance near te end of the 1930. -
music in the 1940
in the 1940, slang came out and they used it in music, they were coming up with better equipentment to record and play with. -
music in the 1950
rythem and blues, rock adn roll, and "black" music was very popular in this time period. this is the time when Elvis was most successful. -
music in the 1960
music in the 1960 inclueded the beatles. the 60's had style, and was mainstream. people used music to protest in the 1960. -
music in the 1970
there was relaxing and also dancing music. the 1970 was filled with the hippie lifestyle and very chill. DIsco music was very popular in this time period. -
music in 1980
music was listened to mosty out of casset tapes and players. CD;s were invented but were not very "big" the 1980's came out with rock, medal, country, rap, techno pop, and new wave. -
music in the 1990
1990 had a lot of "one hit wondes" that made mostly pop and alternative music. music went in many differetn directions in this time period. -
music in the 2000
we started listening to MP3 players and we have a variety inmusic from, gospel, country, rap, R&B, rock, hard medal, and alternative. we are still growing our persoective on the music.