Music Technology- Instruments

  • Thaddeus Cahill- Telharmonium

    Thaddeus Cahill- Telharmonium
    Thaddeus Cahill Invents the Telharmonium, it was the first electronic musical instrument, a voltage was sent through wires and then went to the speakers or horns as they were at the time.
  • Leon Theremin- Theremin

    Leon Theremin- Theremin
    Leon's frist machine called the Theremin, consisted of The instrument was played by moving your hands around the metal loop for volume and around the antennae for pitch. It was built on four legs and became commercially avaidable forthe public, who could afford it at the time.
  • Amps

    The earliest signs of amps was in the 1930's as they were used for acoustic instruments to be amplified for Hawaian music.
  • The Frying Pan

    The Frying Pan
    Adolph Rickenbacker & George Beauchamp invented the frying pan guitar, arguably the first electric guita, it was made out of aliminium and the pick up was made using horseshoe's.
  • Hammond Organ

    Hammond Organ
    The Hammond Organ was invented by Laurens Hammond, and it works on the same technology as Cahills 'Telharmonium' using a tone genorator.
  • Spanish Electric Guitar- Gibson

    Spanish Electric Guitar- Gibson
    This guitar is the godfather of all guitars that are used today, the look and the sounds that you could make from a gibson are what all guitar manufactures today try to achive. this chnage the way that music was prduced becasue they were simple to play and good for making song's.
  • Shure Microphone- Model 55 Unidyne

    Shure Microphone- Model 55 Unidyne
    The Model 55 Unidyne is the first single-element unidirectional microphone. This mic is one of the most iconic in the world, as its look and audio quality were extreamly good for its time, also iconic figures such as Martin luther King used them when making speech's. It symbolises the spirit of a whole generation.
  • The Clavivox

    The Clavivox
    The Clavivox was invented by the composer and engineer Raymond Scott circa 1950. The machine was fitted with three 'key' controls on the left of the keyboard that controlled the attack of the note or cut of the note completely, these keys could be played with the left hand to give the enevelope characteristics of the note.
  • RCA Synthesiser

    RCA Synthesiser
    Harry Olsen and Hebert Belar electonical engineers invented the RCA Synthesiser which worked on the priciple to create a machine to generate music based on a system of random probability. The theory being that random variations of already created popular songs could be used to create new marketeable songs.
  • Moog Synthesizer

    Moog Synthesizer
    This was one of the first commercially available synthesizers and was made to replicate instruments that were already around at the time such as violins and piano's. An oscilator was used to send a voltage around the cricuit and then by using subtractive synthisis you could mould the votage into something new, either trying to replicate another instrument or make new ones using the sounds.
  • Shure SM58

    Shure SM58
    The Shure SM58, possibly the most reliable and durable mic of its time, and probably still today. With its amazing diaphram and good enginnering gone into the mic it, was a hit with the consumers. It is also a very common mic now and is used vastly in the music industry.