
Music History Timeline

  • Period: 6000 BCE to 2000 BCE

    percussion family

    1. Drum:
      • Origin of Creation: Drums have been used in various forms since ancient times, with evidence of their use dating back thousands of years.
      • Year Made: dating back to around 6000 BCE. -Sources
    2. Cymbals:
  • Period: 1300 to

    notable songs from each period

    baroque Choir of Westminster Abbey
    made by Zadok the priest in 1300
    style:baroque Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
    Made by Johann Sebastian Bach in 1704
    Style: Baroque
  • Period: to

    Musical Composers

    "prelude, Chroale, and Fugue" by Cesar Franck
    -year 1884
    -Romantic Period prelude and liebestod from Tristan and Isolde" by Richard Wagner
    -year 1859
    -Romantic Period
  • Period: to

    seprate transition 5 sentences

    Moving from the Classical period to the Romantic period The Romantic era saw a rejection of the restraint and formalism of the Classical period in favor of emotional expression and individualism. Composers such as Beethoven and Schubert pushed the boundaries of traditional musical forms, incorporating elements of drama and passion into their works. This shift mirrored the broader societal changes taking place during the Romantic period, allowing for expressive possibilities in music.
  • Period: to

    styles of music from different time periods pt.2

    Popular Music:
    1. Jazz: Known for its improvisational nature and syncopated rhythms, jazz music encompasses a wide range of styles including swing, bebop, and fusion. Prominent jazz musicians include Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, and Miles Davis. Jazz communicates a sense of spontaneity and creativity and has been influential across various musical genres.
  • Period: to

    string family pt2

    1. Harp
    2. Family: String
    3. Year Invented/Started Being Used: Ancient times
    4. Country of Origin: Various, including Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece
    5. Double Bass
    6. Family: String
    7. Year Invented/Started Being Used: 16th century
    8. Country of Origin: Italy
  • Period: to

    string family 5 insturements

    1. Violin
    2. Family: String
    3. Year Invented/Started Being Used: Early 16th century
    4. Country of Origin: Italy
    5. Cello
    6. Family: String
    7. Year Invented/Started Being Used: 16th century
    8. Country of Origin: Italy
    9. Guitar
    10. Family: String
    11. Year Invented/Started Being Used: 15th century
    12. Country of Origin: Spain
  • notable songs from each period

    Baroque Period:
    1. Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
    Work Title: "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor"
    Year: 1704
    Style: Baroque Classical Period:
    1. Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    Work Title: "Symphony No. 40 in G Minor"
    Year: 1788
    Style: Classical Romantic Period:
    Composer: Ludwin van Beethoven
    Work Title: Moonlight Sonata
    Year: 1801
  • Period: to

    percicussion pt 3

    1. Xylophone:
      • Origin of Creation: The xylophone has its origins in ancient civilizations, with early versions of the instrument found in Southeast Asia and Africa.
      • Year Made: The modern concert xylophone design emerged in the late 19th century, with significant developments occurring in the early 20th century. -Sources
  • Period: to

    styles of music from different time periods

    The renaissance era is when composers began evolving the use of harmony and of the music one music composer was Orlando di Lasso another era was the classical period its most famous for developing the sonata-allegro form one music composer was Joseph Haydn. Another period of music is the Baroque It was a time of great musical development as famous Baroque composers, such as Bach Baroque period started around 1600 and ended around 1750,
  • Period: to

    seprate transition 5 sentences

    Transition 1: The transition from the Baroque period to the Classical period marked a significant shift in musical style and societal norms. This change was reflective of broader shifts in society, with the Enlightenment ideals of reason and order influencing artistic expression. Musically, the Classical period saw a focus on clarity, simplicity, and emotional restraint, with composers like Mozart and Haydn leading the way in creating elegant and refined compositions
  • Period: to

    bass family pt 2

    1. French Horn:
    2. Tuba:
      • Year: The tuba was invented in the early 19th century, with the first modern tuba design patented in 1835.
      • Country of Origin: The tuba is generally considered to have originated in Germany, -Source
  • Period: to

    woodwinds family pt2

    1. Oboe:
      • Year: The oboe has been in use since the 17th century, with the modern design emerging in the late 18th century.
      • Source:
      • Country of Origin: The oboe is believed to have originated in France,
    2. Bassoon:
  • Period: to

    percussion pt 2

    1. Marimba:
    2. Timpani (Kettle Drums):
      • Origin of Creation: with evidence of their use in ancient civilizations such as Greece and Rome.
      • Year Made: The modern timpani design emerged in the 17th century. -Sources
  • Period: to

    bass family pt 3

    1. Euphonium:
      • Year: The euphonium emerged in the early 19th century, with the first modern designs appearing in the 1840s.
      • Country of Origin: The euphonium is believed to have originated in Europe, -Source
  • Period: to

    bass family 5 instruments

    1. Trumpet:
      • Year: The trumpet has been around since ancient times, 1500 BCE.
      • Country of Origin: The modern trumpet is considered to have originated in Europe, -Source
    2. Trombone:
      • Year: The trombone has been in use since the 15th century, with the earliest known depictions dating back to the 1400s.
      • Country of Origin: The trombone is generally considered to have originated in Europe -Source
  • Period: to

    woodwinds family

    1. Flute:
      • Year: the modern concert flute emerged in the 19th century.
      • Source:
      • Country of Origin: The modern concert flute is believed to have originated in Europe
    2. Clarinet:
      • Year: The clarinet was invented in the early 18th century, with the first modern design patented in 1839.
      • Source:
      • Country of Origin: The clarinet is generally considered to have originated in Germany
  • Period: to

    woodwinds family pt3

    1. Saxophone: