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  • Bass Clef

    Bass Clef
    Bass clef. a symbol placed on the fourth line of a staff to indicate that the fourth line of the staff corresponds to the F next below middle C; F clef. ... Its best tones are from the lower A of the bass clef to the lower F in the treble
  • Treble Clef

    Treble Clef
    A symbol indicating that the second line from the bottom of a staff represents the pitch of G above middle C. Also called G clef.
  • Sixteenth Note

    Sixteenth Note
    In music, a 16th note (American) or semiquaver (British) is a note played for half the duration of an eighth note (quaver), hence the name. It is the equivalent of the semifusa in mensural notation, first found in 15th-century notation (Morehen and Rastall 2001).