Music: Paula Cabrerizo 4C

  • Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville

    He created a mechanical reproduction of the human ear
  • Thomas Edison

    Some years before the invention of the bulb he created the first sound playback
  • Emil Berliner

    He created a method to record on discs
  • CBS records

    The discs of that time only can be reproduced during small periods of time and now he created long play discs
  • A new way of reproducing music

    The cassette tapes, they had two faces so youn can put them in a different way and listen to another song
  • Thomas Stockham

    He created the first digital recording
  • Modern ways of reproducing music

    Cd's were invented and they were really common and easier to use but more expensive.
  • Mobile ways of listening to music

    The mp3 were invented and now you can listen to music in the street nt only in your house with a CD player.
  • Music revolution

    Lots of billions of euros were spend in music for CDs and MP3 and in downloads in celular mobiles.