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First President John W. Carr
John W. Carr was a high school principal and Superintendent of Schools in Indiana, Tennessee and New Jersey before becoming Murray State Normal School’s first president -
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Second President and Founder Rainey T. Wells
Following Wells presidency he became Chief Attorney for the Woodmen of the Methodist Church, a Rotarian, a thirty-second degree Mason and a Shriner. In 1937, he was accepted to practice law before the Supreme Court of the United States and in 1946, Wells returned to Murray to live until his death on June 15, 1958. -
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First President John W. Carr, Second Term
Carr served as Dean of the institution until January 1933. He served as President again from January 1933 until January 1936. -
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Third President James H. Richmond
Prior to Richmond's presidency Richmond was a elected High School Supervisor for the Kentucky State Department of Education then becoming State Superintendent of Public Instruction. -
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Known as the Acting President M. O. Wrather
Wrather assumed the role of President when Woods was on leave serving as Special Representative of the United States Department and again while Woods recovered from health issues. In 1968, Wrather was named Executive Vice President and served in this role until his death on September 6, 1970. -
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Longest Term Fourth President Ralph H. Woods
During Woods 23 years of service, the institution improved a great deal:
* Enrollment increased from 565 to 7,000 students.
* Faculty increased from 62 to 376 full-time professors.
* Buildings increased from 10 to 51.
* Murray State Teachers College became Murray State College in 1948 and later became Murray State University in 1966. -
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"The Man of The Year" Harry M. Sparks, fifth president
Sprarks first started at Murray Stae Colleg as a professor at in September 1948. While in 1959 he became President of the Kentucky Education Association Sprks then served as State Superintendent of Public Instruction from January 1964 until January 1968. -
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Sixth President Constantine W. Curris
Curris who was associated with the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU). -
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Seventh President Kala M. Stroup
Dr. Kara, the first women president of Murray State University. -
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Acting President, James L. Booth
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Ronald J. Kurth, Eigth President
During Kurth's tenure he ensured the Finishing of the Martha Layne Collins Center for Industry and Technology. -
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Nineth President S. Kern Alexander
Dr. S. Kern Alexander oversaw many changes throughout his presidency at Murray State University:
* The Regional Special Events Center was constructed in 1998,
* Work began on the Science Complex
* New wing built on Alexander Hall
* The College of Education began construction
* The Thoroughbrewed Cafes in both Hart and Regents College were added. -
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Tenth President F. King Alexander
Just as S. Kern, F. King Alexander sought to the completetion of:
* Alexander Hall Education Building.
* Thoroughbrewed Cafes.
* Susan E. Bauernfeind Student Recreation.
* Wellness Center under went its construction. -
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The Last Offical President Randy J. Dunn
Dunn successfully completed the largest fundraising campaign in the institution's history known as the Hold Thy Banner High.
Dunn also completed construction and renovations on a number of campus facilities:
* Heritage Hall
* Jesse L. Jones Family Clock Tower
* Jesse. D. Jones Hall
* Gene W. Ray Science Campus
* Gene W. Ray Basketball Practice Field