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first 10 world cups

  • first world cup

    first world cup
    first international match made of a world cup
  • Second World Cup

     Second World Cup
    Second World Cup held in Italy on May 27, 1934, the Italian team being the champion
  • third world cup

     third world cup
    Third World Cup held in France with the Italian team winning again
  • Fourth World Cup

    Fourth World Cup
    Fourth World Cup held in Brazil as the winner of the Uruguayan team
  • Fifth World Cup

    Fifth World Cup
    Fifth World Cup held in Sweden with the German team winning with a result
  • sixth world cup

    sixth world cup
    held in sweden in 1958, the brazilian team being the champion
  • Seventh World Cup

    Seventh World Cup
    Seventh World Cup held in Chile, resulting in the champion of the previously unstoppable Brazilian team
  • eighth world cup

    eighth world cup
    eighth world cup played in england being champion of the same sertamen performed by the english
  • ninth world cup

    ninth world cup
    ninth world cup played in Mexican territory with the Brazilian team winning
  • tenth world cup

    tenth world cup
    tenth world cup played in germany being won by the same country of sertamen