First Roman "War" (133 BC)
The Crisis of the Roman Republic was an extended period of political instability and social unrest, from about 133 BC to 44 BC. -
End of Final War of Roman Republic (44 BC)
between Octavian and his friend and general Agrippa against Mark Antony and Cleopatra - Octavian victory. -
Final War of Roman republic (30 BC)
between Octavian and his friend and general Agrippa against Mark Antony and Cleopatra - Octavian victory. -
End of Sicillian Revolt (36 BC)
between the Second Triumvirate (particularly Octavian and Agrippa) and Sextus Pompey, the son of Pompey - Triumvirate victory. -
Perusine War (41 BC)
between the forces of Octavian against Lucius Antonius and Fulvia (the younger brother and wife of Mark Antony) - Octavian victory. -
End of Perusine War (40 BC)
between the forces of Octavian against Lucius Antonius and Fulvia (the younger brother and wife of Mark Antony) - Octavian victory. -
End of Liberators' Civil War (44 BC)
between the Second Triumvirate and the Liberators (Brutus and Cassius, Caesar's assassins) - Triumvirate victory. -
End of the first roman war (44 BC)
an extended period of political instability and social unrest, from about 133 BC to 44 BC. -
Post-Caesarian Civil War (44 BC)
between the Senate's army (led first by Cicero and then by Octavian) and the army of Antony, Lepidus, and their colleagues - Truce results in union of forces. -
Liberators' Civil War (44 BC)
between the Second Triumvirate and the Liberators (Brutus and Cassius, Caesar's assassins) - Triumvirate victory. -
Sicilian Revolt (44 BC)
between the Second Triumvirate (particularly Octavian and Agrippa) and Sextus Pompey, the son of Pompey - Triumvirate victory. -
ENd of Ceaser's War (49 BC)
between Julius Caesar and the Optimates initially led by Pompey - Caesarean victory. -
Ceaser's War (49 BC)
between Julius Caesar and the Optimates initially led by Pompey - Caesarean victory. -
End of Catiline Conspiracy (62 BC)
between the Senate and the dissatisfied followers of Catiline - Senatorial victory. -
Catiline Conspiracy (63 BC)
between the Senate and the dissatisfied followers of Catiline - Senatorial victory. -
End of Sertorian War (72 BC)
War between Rome and the provinces of Hispania under the leadership of Quintus Sertorius, a supporter of Gaius Marius - Sullan victory. -
Lepidus' Rebellion (77 BC)
when Lepidus rebelled against the Sullan regime. -
End of Sulla's second Civil War (81 BC)
between Sulla and Marius' supporters - Sullan victory. -
Sulla's second Civil war (82 BC)
between Sulla and Marius' supporters - Sullan victory. -
Sertorian War (83 BC)
War between Rome and the provinces of Hispania under the leadership of Quintus Sertorius, a supporter of Gaius Marius - Sullan victory. -
Period: to
Sulla's First Civil War
A War between Lucius Cornelius Sulla's supporters and Gaius Marius' forces - Sullan victory. -
Roman Social War ( 91 - 88 BC )
between Rome and many of its Italian allies - Roman victory.