Conception is the process of implantation or fertilization. Development in the brain starts to form. -
Formation of Neural Tube
The Neural Tube is the brain's first major event that happens. In the embryo, the Neural plate starts to slowly fold over forming a tube-shaped structure. The tube closes and the edges of the plate form together. -
Development of Spinal Cord
Synapses and Neurons begin to form in the spinal cord. That contributes to the movement and allows the fetus to move for the first time. -
First Trimester
In the first trimester, the baby develops a neural tube. Also, the heart, digestive system, and tiny limb buds appear. -
Growth of Cerebral Cortex and Synapse
The Cerebral Cortex begins to grow in thickness as gyri and sulci are seen on the brain's surface. In this area, synapses also begin to form and develop. -
On the axons of several neurons, Myelin begins to form and appear. Myelination allows for quicker and easier access for processing information. -
Second Trimester
Baby's facial features begin to form. The eyes are formed and they can begin to open. The brain's cerebral hemispheres migrate to the primitive cortex. -
Third Trimester
Fetal breathing and response to external stimuli become more frequent. The Cerebral cortex helps the development of early learning. -
Growth in Hippocampus
With the growth in the hippocampus, the frontal and temporal lobes become influenced by auditory language. The brain becomes wired for the specific language. -
Major increase in the rate of myelination
The major increase causes the brain to perform more complicated tasks. Higher complex abilities like self-awareness start to develop. That includes emotions and intentions. -
2 Years old
Cognitive abilities form and improve. Awareness and recognition become strengthened leading to improvement in memory. -
http://www.urbanchildinstitute.org/why-0-3/baby-and-brain https://coverthree.com/blogs/research/kids-brain-development#:~:text=Newborns%20have%20basic%20reflexes%20for,%2C%20startle%2C%20grasp%2C%20etc.&text=The%20cerebellum%20and%20prefrontal%20cortex,the%20center%20to%20the%20sides. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...