Muhammad was born in the year 570 in Mecca. -
Other Events
Miro becomes king of Suevi. -
Period: 570 to Jun 8, 632
Muhammad's Life
When Muhammad was five or six his mother took him to an oasis town a few hundred miles north of Mecca, to stay with relatives and visit his father's grave there. -
Jan 1, 600
According to Islamic beliefs an angel came down and told Muhammad to spread the word of God. -
Jan 1, 601
Other Events
Liuva becomes king of Visigoths. -
Jan 1, 603
Other Events
Witteric becomes King of the Visigoths. -
Jan 1, 610
Other Events
Gundmar becomes King of the Visigoths. -
Jan 1, 612
Other Events
Sisebar becomes King of the Visigoths. -
Jan 1, 613
Muhammad begins to spread the word about God as the angel told him to do so. -
Jan 1, 621
Other Events
Reccared the second becomes the King of the Visigoths. -
Jan 1, 621
Other Events
Suintila becomes King of the Visigoths and is named "Ruler of all Spain" -
Jan 1, 622
Muhammad and his followers left Mecca to go to Medina in the Hegira. This marks the beginning of the Islamic calender. -
Jan 1, 624
Muhammad lost the second Battle of Uhud. -
Jan 1, 632
Islam spreads through Southwest Asia and North Africa. -
Jun 8, 632
Muhammad dies. -
A treaty was signed between the Muslims and the Meccans. -
Other Events
Visigoths defeat King Andeca and took over his kingdom of Suveians. -
Other Events
Pantardus made Bishop of Braga. Recarred I converts to Catholicism. Meanwhile Bishopric created for town of Aeminium. -
Other Events
Eboric becomes King of Suevi -
Upon his grandfather's death in 578, Muhammad turned eight and passed into the care of a paternal uncle, Abu Talib. Muhammad grew up in the older man's home and remained under Abu Talib's protection for many years. -
In his early twenties, Muhammad entered the service of a wealthy Meccan merchant, a widow named Khadija bint Khawalayd. The two were distant cousins. Muhammad carried her goods to the north and returned with a profit. -
Other Events
Andeca becomes king of Suevi.