Muhammad's Life Timeline

  • 570

    Birth of Muhammad

    Birth of Muhammad
    Muhammad was born in Mecca, Arabia in the year of 570. His father was Abdullah, and mother was Amina. However, Muhammad's father died 6 months before he was born.
  • 576

    Death of Amina

    Death of Amina
    When Muhammad was six years old, Amina, his mother, dies from sickness leaving Muhammad as an orphan.
  • 583

    Muhammad's grandpa takes care of him

    Muhammad's grandpa takes care of him
    Muhammad's grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, took guardianship of him after both of his parents passed away.
  • 595

    Muhammad gets married

    Muhammad gets married
    Muhammad works for a widow merchant named Khadija. They get married when he was 25 and she was 40 years old.
  • 610

    Muhammad's First Revelation

    Muhammad's First Revelation
    Muhammad fasted and meditated in a mountain cave outside of his hometown, Mecca. One time while he was meditating he experienced a vision that he would become the angel Gabriel.
  • 613

    Begins preaching to the public

    Begins preaching to the public
    After another divine experience, Muhammad shares the messages with his tribe. His message was very controversial and condemned the traditional beliefs of the gods in their tribe.
  • 622

    Muhammad runs to Medina

    Muhammad runs to Medina
    Muhammad was in running in fear of persecution after his first preaching in Mecca. He and his followers, known as Muslims, fled to a city in which they called Medina to continue their beliefs.
  • 630

    Return to Mecca

    Return to Mecca
    After creating a military force for protection, Muhammad returns to his hometown, Mecca. Luckily, the return did not cause any disputes or bloodshed.
  • 632

    The final Pilgrimage

    The final Pilgrimage
    After successfully claiming Mecca, Muhammad crossed the Arabian Peninsula to convert tribes to Islam. This ultimately united the religion and made it stronger.
  • 632

    The death of Muhammad

    The death of Muhammad
    After his final pilgrimage in Mecca, he returned to Medina and got sick and it progressively got worse. He died and was buried in Medina.