Muhammad ahmad al mahdi

Muhammad's Life

By karl.s3
  • 570

    Muhammad's Birth

    Muhammad was born in the year of 570 AD. This is the year of the Elephant. He never saw his father, because he died before Muhammad was born. His mother gives him to Halimah, but he was returned to his mother 5 years later because he was thought to be possessed by a demon.
  • Nov 16, 610

    The angels visit

    Muhammad sees an angel called Jibreel. Initially, he thinks he is possessed by a demon. He almost commits suicide, but is stopped by the angel.
  • Nov 16, 613

    Preaching Islam

    Muhammad preaches Islam in Mecca for the first time. People do not agree and he takes much criticism, especially from his uncle. He does not show any miracles to the people.
  • Nov 16, 615

    Muhamad attack pagans

    Muhammad attacks pagan beliefs in 615 AD. His followers were in conflict with the Quraysh. He lets Muslims leave but he stays in Arabia for Abyssinia.
  • Nov 16, 620

    Night journey

    Muhammad says he was carried to Jerusalem. He was then brought to Paradise by a flying steed named Buraq. He meets Moses who cries because more Muslims than Jews will be in heaven.
  • Nov 16, 622

    Flee to Medina

    In 622 AD, Muhammad leads his followers to Medina because of conflict between them and pagans. This is the beginning of the Hijra era.
  • Marriage to Khadijah

    In 595 AD, Muhammad marries his cousin, Khadijah. She had already divorced twice and had 2 sons and a daughter. They become very connected in their marriage and she becomes his first follower later on.
  • Death of close familiy

    His wife, Kadijah, dies in 619 AD. His uncle dies soon after, leaving him feeling alone. He asked Abu Bakr to marry his daughter who was only 6 years old.