Muhammad Born
Muhammad was born in Mecca, in what is today Saudi Arabi. -
Jan 1, 610
When he was 40, he receeived his first revelation, as recorded in the Qur'an. -
Jan 1, 610
Share Revelation
He became convinced that the bright presence was the angel Gabriel, and began to share them with his cloest friends and family members. -
Jan 1, 620
Muhammad, in 620 C.E., experienced himself being carried to Jerusalem and ascending from there into paradise. -
Jan 1, 622
At the invitation of leaders of Yathrib, a city about three hundred miles to the north, Muhammad and his followers finally left Mecca in 622 C.E. -
Jan 1, 630
Return and Control
Muhammad returned as the victor in 630 C.E. to Mecca, where he then took control of the city, destroyed all images in the Kabah and marketplace, and began to institutionalize his religious ideals. -
Jan 1, 632
Muhamad died in Yathrib in 632 C.E. -
Khadijah and Muhammad married in about 595 C.E.