Mt. St Helens

By jt400
  • 18 Small bursts of steam shoot out of the volcano

  • Blockage in the volcano

  • Mt. St Helen's has been dormant for 123 years.

  • Ground begins trembling during an interview

  • Heat from the volcano melts ice cap sending billions of gallons of water down the mountain

    8:55 am
  • 5.1 magnitude earthquake hits mountain ripping it apart and causing it to erupt

  • Two more huge blasts crumble the mountain

    8:33 am
  • Many people trying to escape the eruption

    8:38 am
  • 18 megatons worth of TNT erupted from the volcano

    9:01 am
  • Ash cloud from volcano heads east

    9:45 am
  • Ash cloud from the volcano becomes the size of West Virginia, reaching all way to Yakima, Washington

    10:10 am
  • More refugees found, few people dead

  • Jimmy Carter flies over the blast zone of the volcano

  • Minor 2nd eruption, minor damage

  • More bodies found in the blast zone

  • Small explosion heard by the people

  • Many people still caught in the eruption; only few found

  • Ash becomes so thick it is difficult to see the ground

    2:00 pm