Mt. St. Helens

  • 1st Signs of Eruption

    Mt. St. Helens has been dormant for 120 years. People hear a small explosion which turns out to be a small eruption.
  • State of Emergency

    Cracks develop in the volcano. It is declared a state of emergency. 40 people are evacuated, but tourists go to volcano.
  • Build Up

    Magma builds up. Red zone is established and resident aren't leaving.
  • Month Passes

    It has been 1 month since the 1st eruption and the bulge of the volcano grows everyday.
  • Earthquake

    Earthquake is caused from the volcano.
  • Observing

    Scientists are wary and keep watch on the volcano.
  • Miscalculated

    The residents think the crisis has passed and go back to their homes. On the other hand, scientists are still watching and waiting for a huge eruption.
  • The Volcano Erupts

    At 8:32 A.M a 5.1 earthquake hits the town. Minutes after, the volcano erupts. The top of the mountain is blown off and the pyroclastic flow starts. Residents try to evacuate. Then at 8:55 A.M the lahar occurs. The power of the eruption is 10 megatons of TNT. At 12:00 P.M, 11 are confirmed dead.A rescue team tries to save as much people as they can. The eruption begins to subside at 5:30 P.M.
  • Rescue Efforts

    People continue searching for survivors.
  • Inspection

    A team arrives to inspect what the volcano has caused.
  • The Ash

    It is found that the volcano's ash has stretched out as far east as Minnesota and as far south as Oklahoma.
  • Small Eruption

    The volcano erupts again, but it doesn't do anything.
  • End of Rescue Efforts

    One month later, they stop looking for survivors. They got all the people they could get out.
  • Lives Taken by Volcano

    Another month later they found out that 57 people died from the volcano.
  • Ready to Go Back

    One year after the eruption has passed. People start going back to the town. The first tree is planted since the volcano's eruption.
  • Memorial

    A memorial is built for all who have died during the volcano eruption. You can also go on a tour to see the volcano. A highway was built to get to the town.
  • Reunion

    Several years after the disaster the National Forest Service organizes a reunion for all the survivors.They go there every year.