Mt. St. Helens

  • the volcano is dormant

  • there is a sound of a small eruption

  • a crater and large cracks appeared on the volcano

  • there are warnings sent out

  • some are evacuating

  • some ignore the warnings then smoke rises

  • a giant bulge appears

  • the bulge grows and more are evacuated

  • the bulge continues to grow

  • the ground trembles (earthquake)

  • the team studying the volcano starts to leave

  • many are refusing to leave and go back into their homes after saying they arent afraid

  • earthquakes and rock-slides occur

  • the eruptions happens

  • people notice the event and start to take pictures

  • many are killed by inhaling gas or ash

  • lightning is present

  • the ash cloud expands

  • a lahar happens

  • the river is covered with logs and giant tree limbs

  • the ash and gas makes it hard to breath as it piles up

  • the cloud expands further

  • people are trying to find and rescue any survivors

  • the volcano starts to weaken

  • the ash cloud clears and reveals the mass destruction

  • many bodies are found

  • more bodies are found

  • the president views the damage

  • It erupts again but not as much

  • trees are planted

  • a park is being made

  • places are made in remembrance of the event