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Mt St Helen's

  • First site of life in volcano

    The volcano has been 123 years since last major eruption but on this date a small eruption occurs that shows signs of bigger one coming later
  • Cracks and craters

    Sites of cracks and craters on volcano which hints that a big eruption is coming.
  • Evacuation

    Washington state orders for everyone to evacuate the area.
  • Bulge

    Large bulge sited on the side on the volcano from blockage of lava and magma.
  • Bigger Bulge

    Bigger Bulge
    The bulge grows even bigger, established red zone.
  • Coldwater 1 and 2

    The bulge grows even more and coldwater 1 and 2 have scientists and geologist set up at locations to keep watch of volcano.
  • Watching and waiting

    Watching and waiting
    Geologist keep watch of volcano at coldwater 1 and 2
  • Return

    Month and 1/2 since first eruption and people start to ignore evacuation and come back home back in danger.
  • The Big Eruption

    The Big Eruption
    At 8:30 AM earthquake hits then eruption finally goes off bringing huge ash cloud with it.
  • More Blasts

    More Blasts
    At 8:37 AM 2 more big blasts occur, clouds of ash sweep ground below for miles and miles moving at 300 MPH
  • Ice Cap Melts

    At 8:55 AM an ice cap on the mountain melts and creates mudslide
  • Covered Spokane

    Covered Spokane
    At 11:55 AM ash cloud reaches city of Spokane, after 4 hour of the eruption it is still going strong.
  • Subsiding

    The Mountain finally starts to subside at 4:30PM
  • Cold water 1 destroyed

    Cold water 1 destroyed
    The cold water camp was destroyed by ash cloud
  • Last Eruption

    There was 1 last eruption but very small and travels 230 square miles. The total deaths was 57
  • Planting

    People start planting tons of trees were MT ST Helen's erupted and multiple forests in the near by area.