Progress Report #1
Charlie begins to right a journal about his progress for a doctor who asked: "Dr Strauss says I shud rite down what I think and evrey thing that happins to me from now on"(371). -
Progress report #4
Charlie gets the chance to be a test subject in the doctors expirements: "Dr. Strauss had a argament about it first . . . Miss Kinnian rekemmended me the best from all the people who was teaching . . .; Nemur said remember he will be the first human beeng ever to hav his intelijence tripple by surgicle meens"(374). -
Progress report #5
Charlie really wanted to "show that ouse I can be as smart as he is"(375).
Charlie really wanted to see if this "opurashun" will work. -
Progress Report #5
The Operation seemed to have started to work: "Dr. Nemur who looked at some of my other ones said I spell Progress wrong and he told me how to spell it and REPORT too"(375). he said. -
Progress Report # 8
Charie was not aloud to tell anyone about his operation. He got to go back to the "factery" but had to go to the hospitil after. Charlie said, "They are gonna pay me mony every month for lerning to be smart"(376). -
Progress Report # 10
"I beat Algernon! I dint even know I beat him ntil Burt the tester told me,"(379). Charlie said. He was so surprised. He has been waiting for this moment. -
Charlie has terrible friends. They treat him terribly: "Joe Carp and Frank Reilly invited me to a party . . . Joe said I should dance with Ellen . . . And all the time I was tripping because somebody's foo was always sticking out . . . Everybody was laughing"(382). -
I don't understand why I never noticed how beautiful Miss Kinnian really is, She has brown eyes and feathery brown hair tha comes to the top of her neck"(387). It seems Charlie had a little crush. -
"I don't feel intelligent. There are so many things that I don't understand." Charlie said. "I hope . . . I just hope to god,"(387). Miss Kinnian said. Charlie knew something was not right. -
"Dr. Strauss is very angry at me for not having wrritten my progress reports in two weeks"(389). Charlie had recently refrained from writing his progress reports. -
Progress Report # 13
Algernon bit Charlie: "When I took him out of his cage, he snapped at my hand"(393). -
Progress # 13
"Burt tells me that Algernon is changing. He is less co-operative . . ."(393). Charlie said. Something is going on with Algernon. -
Charlie discovers something Algernon: "As I review the records and data onAlgernon, I see that although he is still in his physical infancy, he has regressed mentally" (395). -
Charlie discovers something about Algernon: "As I review the records and data on Algernon, I see that although he is still in his physical infance, he has regressed mentally"(395). -
Charlie began to forget things and Algernon passes away: "I did a dumb thing today I forgot I want in Miss Kinnians class at the adult center any more like I use to be . . . Please if you get a chase put some flowrs on Algernons grave in the back yard" (401).