Progress Report One--The Beginning
Charlie Gordon is a 37 year old man, who quite frankly is low on the intelligence scale. "Miss Kinnin says maybe they can make me smart. I want to be smart." -
Progress Report Two--The First Test
Charlie takes a test, a Rorshach Test, to start taking inventory of how low his intelligence is. "I had a test today. I think I failed it. . . A young man. . .he had some white cards with ink spilled all over them. He sed Charlie what do you see on this card. . . I always faled tests in school. . . I told him I saw a inkblot." -
Progress Report Three--a Race
After taking a Thematic Apperceptin Test, Charlie was escorted to a testing area of the labratory. He was to race Alegernon, a white mouse, who recently recieved the intellegence operation--the same one Charlie will undergo. "[They] . . . gave me a new game to play. It was like a race with a white mouse. . . Algernon was in a box with alot of twists and turn like all kinds of walls. . . they gave me a pencil and a paper with lines and lots of boxes. . . They said it was amazed. . ." -
Progress Report Three--Another Test
After the results of the Rorshach Test came in, another test was given to Charlie. This one was a Thematic Apperception Test. ". . . I had more crazy tests today. . . this test lookd easy becaus I coud see the picturs. Only this time she dint want me to tell her the picturs. That mixd me up. . . She said to make up stories about the pepul in the picturs. . . I said why shud I make ip lies. I never lies any more becaus I always get caut. . . She got sore and put her picturs away." -
Progress Report Four--The Motivation is Noted
Charlie Gordon has finished all the required intellegence testing. He will be used in this study to increase his meager intellegence. "[Charlie] will be the very first human beeng ever to have intelijence trippled by surgicle meens." -
Progress Report Eleven--A Gift
Charlie just recieved a "present," It's more of a lend for the time being. It's similar to a television, but it's to boost his intellegence while he's asleep. He severly doubted it. But as I said to him, "Charlie. . . you are getting smarter all the time." -
Chalie has Beaten Alegernon!
This is a breakthrough! Burt (the tester) and I couldn't believe it! Charlie's operation had suceeded! Charlie "was so excited [he] fell off his chair. . ." He also suceeded in beating him eight more times, this is a breakthrough for mankind! -
A Bonus
Charlie improving fantasically! He has "outsmarted" his own boss, by coming up with a new way to line up machines in the factory that he works at... There's only one problem and it's not Charlie, but the co-workers he has. They seem to not like him and are coming up with plans like ". . . meeting [their] cousin for lunch [or buying] some things for his wife." This seems to make Charlie lonely.