Missouri Compromise
Maine becomes a free state and missouri becomes a slave state. Split louisianna purchase alingo 36 30 with the north eing free and the south being slave. This caused more of a division in the country. which helped lead to thte civil war. -
Compromise of 1850
During this there was 15 free states and15 slave states. During the compromise someone pulled out a gun in the senate.I feel that there chouldve been more free states. -
Uncke toms cabin
After they were done beating the African American...They felt bad and they cut him off the cross. After that they took him away and tried to revive him. -
kansas nebraska act
1854, nebraska applies for a state. It should be a free state but the southerns want it to be a slve state. -
Growth of the Abolition Movement
The northerns became more against slavery. And sympathy grown for abolitionists against slavery and slaveholders. People were starting to become more and more against slavery and they thought it was wrong. This lesd to big confrontations and eventually ended up linked in with the civil war. -
Cane BEating
HE got beat with a cane. and the cane had a gold tip on the top of the cane. he got beat so hard but didnt die. the attacker only got a 200 dollar fine and got kicked out of cingress. It was wrong that he could just go in and do that to him though. -
The Ruling
Scott was not a citizen and could not sue for being a slave. He thought that he could be free since he moved from a free state to a slave state, hethought that he wouldnt have to be a slave then... So he protested, and got rejected, They said he was property and couldnt be switched. I agreed wit the judge, because even though he came from a free state he souldnt be free in a slave state... he shoudlve stayed in the free state. -
The Debate of Ottawa
Lincoln won the debate. And i feel like he deserved it because he got most of the crowed to go with him. He alsogot carried out on top of the shoulders of the crowed. 12,000 people attented this, and most of them were for Linconln. -
The Debate of Freeport
Lincoln won this ellection too. he won this election because he argued everything that Douglas said. Lincoln won most of the arguments too because the crowed agreed with him more than Douglas. I think that Lincoln shouldve won this because obviously if he won every argument he would win. -
John Browns raid on Harpers Farry
in 1859 he lead men to capture the arsenal... And i think that this started a argument. He believed that an army of slaves would rise in rebellion with him.But his planned backfired and he got senteced to hung. Good!! -
The Election of 1860
There was 4 canidates, Stephen Douglas, John Brekinridge, John Bell, And Abraham Lincoln. Douglas and Lincoln were the closest in popular votes, Licoln with 1,855,943 and Douglas woth 1,081,944. The other two didnt even reach a million.Lincoln killed everyone with 180 Electoal votes. So obviously he won the election, but it was closer than it all looked. -
South Carolina secceses
South Carolina was the first state to secceed. They started the who thing, its when you leve the state. After SC did it, 6 southern states did it. And after that it just got more and more popular. This was one of the biggest parts that lead to the civil war