
Movie Time Line

  • 1502

    First Camera Footprint Introduced

    First Camera Footprint Introduced
    The camera to mankind was called "The Obscura". The very first camera to capture a glimpse of a memory. Or is the first thing able to capture a moment and being able to cherish it.
  • The Invention of Projectors

    The Invention of Projectors
    There was a Bet there was set in 1878 for racing horses. The best was which horse could get all 4 legs off the ground at the same time. They wondered how they were going to do so they set a bunch of cameras in a row and as the horse were racing they all went off on at a time but very quickly which is how the thought of projectors came into play.
  • The First Company "The Lumber Brothers"

    The First Company "The Lumber Brothers"
    The first business that was based off of Cinematographe. Which is basically a projector business. Also was used to show motion pictures. Like Movies which we call it now a days.
  • The Origin Movie/ Film

    The Origin Movie/ Film
    The first Movie/ or Film produced was the movie "Arrival of a Train". Louis Lumière and Auguste Lumiere were the first people to create moving pictures. Had everyone going crazy of this movie. The people in the Cinema thought it was going to drive right through them so they hurried to the back.
  • Money ):

    Money ):
    There was a business thatwass called The Motion Pictures Patents Company (MPPC). Money was there friend because if you wanted to make a movie you would need tools, right? This is were MCCP would come in a say if you need tools you would need to pay big money to use them or borrow them.
  • No Escape (Money part 2)

    No Escape (Money part 2)
    The MCCP company really didn't play when it came to there money. Like if you didn't use there tools there would be conflict. It would get so bad that they would send people to either hurt you or prevent you from making a movie, and it didn't matter what it took to stop other.
  • Unfair MPPC

    Unfair MPPC
    The reasons that actors names weren't placed on the credit scenes because they though that the actors once they were recognized by others. They would ask for more money.