movement of people

  • Period: to

    movement of people

  • The first blastfurnaces are usedin England.

  • James Watt invents thesteam engine.

  • Captain Cook firstsights the east coastof Australia.

  • test case heard in England addressed the fateof a runaway slave named James Somersett.

  • the southernstates would stubbornly resist abolition.

  • The First Fleet arrivesin Botany Bay.

  • The French Revolutionbegins.

  • the British4.4 The end of slavery?The emblemof the Societyfor theAbolition ofthe SlaveTradeSource 1IMAGE TO COMEParliament fi nally passed a bill abolishing the trading ofslaves in British territories.

  • all slaves in the British Empire were freed.

  • A potato blight inIreland createswidespread famine.

  • Freed American slavesfound the Republic ofLiberia in West Africa.

  • The Victorian goldrush begins.

  • The plight of slaveswas highlighted

  • The American CivilWar begins.

  • Abraham Lincolnissues theEmancipationProclamation

  • President Abraham Lincoln signedthe Emancipation Proclamation, declaring that all slavesin the United States were ‘henceforth and forever free’.

  • The American CivilWar ends.

  • Australia celebratesFederation.