Period: to
movement of people
The first blastfurnaces are usedin England.
James Watt invents thesteam engine.
Captain Cook firstsights the east coastof Australia.
test case heard in England addressed the fateof a runaway slave named James Somersett.
the southernstates would stubbornly resist abolition.
The First Fleet arrivesin Botany Bay.
The French Revolutionbegins.
the British4.4 The end of slavery?The emblemof the Societyfor theAbolition ofthe SlaveTradeSource 1IMAGE TO COMEParliament fi nally passed a bill abolishing the trading ofslaves in British territories.
all slaves in the British Empire were freed.
A potato blight inIreland createswidespread famine.
Freed American slavesfound the Republic ofLiberia in West Africa.
The Victorian goldrush begins.
The plight of slaveswas highlighted
The American CivilWar begins.
Abraham Lincolnissues theEmancipationProclamation
President Abraham Lincoln signedthe Emancipation Proclamation, declaring that all slavesin the United States were ‘henceforth and forever free’.
The American CivilWar ends.
Australia celebratesFederation.