missouri compromise
Maine becomes a free state and Missouri becomes a slave state. Split the Lousiana purchase along 36 30 with the North being free and the South being slave. This caused more of a division in the country. Which lead to the civil war. -
fort sumpter
construction began on the fort. the walls were 40 feet high and 8-12 feet thick. this fort was a criticle place because it controlled the sumpter bay. this made the war because it was the first battle of the civil war. -
uncle toms cabin
lera had tom whipped because he throught he was helping the slaves. uncle tom was whipped by two other slaves. aberham said the the book was one of the reason for the war. the book helped the north see how bad the south was. -
kansas nebraska act
it should be a free state. it was above the 36 30 line. it helped cause the war because it would make the state a free state and it made the slave state mad. -
jonh brown raids on harper ferry
john brown was the man who killed 5 people in the massitcutes massicure. he thought by raiding harpers ferry would make the slave up rise but all that it did was make the people of the town mad. this hel[ped cause the war because it mad the people in the south a lot more angery. -
the very first state will leave. the first state was the hot head state of south carolina. they were not happy the lincoln became presdient. this helped the war because it made some people to leave. -
south carolina was the first state to leave. they were always know as a hot head state. they were the state that wanted to leave because washington won. they were the one who statred there own state. -
tensions over the fort
south carolina wants trhe federal goverment to give up the fort. after a failed attempt by the federal govenment to reinforce the fort. that made the tension reach there perak. this was the last thing before the war statrted. -
lincoln's option
lincoln had 4 option his first one was to give the fort up. his next option was to renforce the fort with more men and more suplies. his next choices was to do nothing. his final choices was to send only supplies. he picked the final one. this helped cause the war because it mad the feduleration attack. -
davis decision
davis decied that he wanted to attack the fort. on april 12 1861 at 4:30 a.m. the confederates opened fire on fort sumter. two days later the fort surender. this was the beginning of the civil war.