Mount St. Helens

  • Small Eruption

    There is a unexpected small eruption that causes cracks to show in the mountain and an ominous bulge appears.
  • State of Emergency

    The government starts a state of emergency and establishes a red zone around the base of the volcano
  • 18 small bursts of ash

    A little bit of ash starts coming out of the volcano
  • Blockage of magma

    The magma gets blocked, so it starts rising out the side making the bulge bigger and bigger.
  • Evacuations start

    Bulge keeps on getting bigger and red zone is expanded to 3 to 8 miles around the mountain. People start getting evacuated.
  • Site is Set Up

    Scientists site is set up, bulge grows about 5 feet per day.
  • Ground begins to Tremble

    Ground starts to shake a little bit causing the scientists to be afraid the eruption is near
  • Evacuated people come back

    Everyone who was evacuated is unrestful and starts to argue with the police to let them in to their homes.
  • 5.1 Earthquake at Base of Mountain, 8:32 A.M.

    An earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale occurs at the base of the mountain. This causes an enormous fracture to open up.
  • Glacier caps melt and send water down mountain, 8:55 A.M.

    The glacier caps of the mountain had melted from the intense of the eruption and sent 46 billion gallons of water down the mountain in a mudslide.
  • Mountain erupts, 9:01 A.M.

    Mountain erupts sending scorching hot ash into the air.
  • Ash cloud reaches Yakima, WA, 10:10 A.M.

    Ash cloud reaches Yakima, Washington, 97 miles away.
  • Magma escapes from the volcano, 12:10 P.M.

    Magma is still rising and escapes from volcano
  • Eruption starts to slow down, 5:00 P.M.

    Eruption starts to slow down; 200 square miles of forest have been destroyed by this point.
  • Federal Emergency Relief is on the way

    President Jimmy Carter flies over the area to see the destruction, and Federal Emergency Relief is on the way.
  • Mountain erupts again sending ash into the air

    Mountain erupts again sending a blast of ash 8 miles into the air.
  • First tree is planted in the blast zone