Mount St. Helen's Timeline

  • Heard an Eruption

    In Southwestern Washington state, at 12:30 they heard an eruption.
  • Evacuation

    The Governor calls for an emergency evacuation to get everyone away from Mount St. Helen. People from different places still come to watch the volcano.
  • Ash and Smoke

    18 bursts of steam and ash come out of the volcano.
  • Bulge

    An enormous bulge has formed on the North side of the mountain. The magma in Mount St. Helen has encountered a blockage and is being forced out around it.
  • It Keeps Growing

    The bulge is growing larger by the day. The mountain is also moving about 5 feet a day horizontally.
  • One Month has Passed

    It has been one month since the first eruption of Mount St. Helen; the excitement in the media has died down, but the bugle is still growing rapidly.
  • Trembling

    The ground begins to tremble, also known as an earthquake.
  • Returning home..

    Many residents were frustrated and just wanted to return home, so they signed wavers and they returned home.
  • The Big Eruption

    A earthquake causes the eruption of Mount St. Helen. Only 25 seconds after the earthquake the northwest side crumbles. Then, the Ice cap melts which is known as a lahar flow. After about 9 hours after the big eruption the eruption begins to subside. There was 57 deaths in total caused by this eruption. The ash also spread as far, east as Minnesota and south as Oklahoma.
  • Erupted... Again

    A week after Mount St. Helen erupted, it erupted again, but this time with minimal damage.
  • National Monument

    A little over 2 years after the big eruption, they created a Mount St. Helen national volcanic monument.
  • Reunion

    After 20 years from the big eruption, all the survivors met up and had a big reunion. Thanks to the Mount St. Helen eruption we have Technology advances and we can better tell when a volcano is going to erupt.