Motion Picture Improvements Timeline

  • Motion picture camera

    Motion picture camera
    The first motion picture camera was created in 1892 by Edison. The first motion picture came out a year later.
  • TV

    The first television was finished and named. It was showed at the world fair.
  • First film with sound

    First film with sound
    The first film with sound was called the Jazz singer. This was made possible with an invention called the Vitaphone.
  • First Television Network

    CBS was the first broadcasting network to come to television. Its headquarter is in New York City. William S. Paley and Arthur Judson were the founders of the network.
  • Color TV

    Color TV
    The first color television was invented by John Logie Baird. Some shows at the time were Superman, Lone Ranger, Twilight Zone, and many more.
  • The vhs

    The VHS tape is used to play video media. It was magnetic tape that became a major contributor to the television industry.
  • Cam Recorder

    The first cam recorder was created using a Betamax cassette. Most cameras sat on the shoulder of the person filming.
  • Camera Phone

    The camera phone sparked many new inventions in the 2000s. Many people had the phone so that they could instantly take videos and pictures.