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Motion Picture

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    Moving Picture Cameras

    Many inventors started working on moving picture cameras (motion picture cameras)
    Thomas Edison and William Friese-Greene actually invented the camera.
  • First Rotating Disc

    German inventor Paul Gottlieb Nipkow developed a rotating disc technology called the Nipkow disk to transmit pictures over wires
  • First western movie

    The first western movie produced called “ The Great Robbery”
  • attempted to make a mechanical television

    Early inventors attempted to build either a mechanical television based on Paul Nipkow's rotating disks or an electronic television using a cathode ray tube developed independently in 1907 by English inventor A.A. Campbell-Swinton and Russian scientist Boris Rosing.
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    producing one reelers

    David Wark Griffen he worked for biograph In New Jersey and produced hundreds of one reelers
  • The Kinetophone

    The Kinetophone was made in 1910 making talkies (speaking films) possible.
  • Using Rays

    John Logie Baird patented the idea of using arrays of transparent rods to transmit images for television
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    The first TV station

    In the late ‘20s and early ‘30s the first TV station was W3XK, created by Charles Francis Jenkins first aired July 2, 1928.
  • Invented a Mechanical Television

    Charles Francis Jenkins invented a mechanical television system called Radiovision and claimed to have transmitted the earliest moving silhouette images on June 14, 1923
  • First length talkie

    The first feature length talkie was made “The Jazz Singer,” it starred Al Jolson
  • Technicolor

    In 1935 audiences could view films in technicolor with the release of Becky Sharp. Two-color film had been available in 1922 but wasn’t often used.
  • Commercial Stations

    By 1940 there were 98 commercial stations
  • Widescreen

    Once the television was invented film needed to step up, they came up with the widescreen processes to produce bigger films
  • First 3D film

    The first 3D film was also created in 1953, it had been attempted before but the widescreen made it possible