
Motion Introduction Syllabus - A Day

  • Day 1 Introduction to the course and cover sheet; Guidelines For a Safe Learning Environment; Knot Lab; Graphing Flow Map; Math Reminder

    Day 1  Introduction to the course and cover sheet; Guidelines For a Safe Learning Environment; Knot Lab; Graphing Flow Map; Math Reminder
    Guiding Question:
    How do you conduct an experiment? Objectives:
    Prepare a complete scientific graph.
    Solve for a given variable in an algebraic equation.
    Know that physicists work in base units of meters, kilograms, and seconds. HW:
    (1) Knot Lab (finish for HW if not completed in class) [Due 8/17]
    (2) Math Skills WB p. 15 [Due 8/17]

    → AND Return Lab Safety contracts WB p 5-6 [Due 8/19]
  • Day 2 - Collect Lab Safety Sheets; DAGr Flow Map; Blinkie Car Lab; Register for Quest

    Day 2 - Collect Lab Safety Sheets; DAGr Flow Map; Blinkie Car Lab; Register for Quest
    Guiding Question:
    How do you correcly analyze a graph? Objectives:
    Conduct a scientific investigation to deduce a linear relationship between variables.
    Analyze constant velocity motion graphically and algebraically. HW:
    (3) Blinkie Car Lab (completed in class) [Due 8/19]
    (4) Graphing WB p. 19-20 [Due 8/19]
    (5) Motion Pretest WB p. 9 [Due 8/19]
    Quest 1D Motion Intro due 9/1 at 11:00 pm
  • Day 3 - Distance/displacement; speed/velocity

    Day 3 - Distance/displacement; speed/velocity
    Guiding Question:
    What is the difference between a scalar and vector quantity? Objectives:
    Destinguish between scalar and vectors. HW:
    (6) Displacement Data Assignment WB p. 21 [Due 8/21]
    (7) Vectors & Scalars WB p. 25 [Due 8/21]
  • Day 4 - Dimensional Analysis; Conversions - Factor Label

    Day 4 - Dimensional Analysis; Conversions - Factor Label
    Guiding Question:
    What is the speed limit for your street in meters per second. Objectives:
    Know the units for displacement, velocity, and acceleration.
    Use dimensional analysis to convert units. HW:
    (8) Conversions WB p 16 [Due 8/25] (9) Constant Velocity Motion WB p. 26 [Due 8/25]
  • Day 5 - Collect Stamp Sheet; Graph Matching Lab WB p. 22

    Day 5 - Collect Stamp Sheet; Graph Matching Lab WB p. 22
    Guiding Question:
    What does the slope of a position graph represent? Objectives:
    Relate d-t, v-t, and a-t graphs to one another. HW:
    (1) Lab Question Handout WB p23 (In Class) [Due 8/27]
    (2) Read Hewitt Chap 4.1-4.3 WB p.24 [Due 8/27]
    (3) Speed & Velocity Calculations WB p. 27 [Due 8/27]
  • Day 6 - MATH QUIZ; Shapes of Graphs; Acceleration

    Day 6 - MATH QUIZ; Shapes of Graphs; Acceleration
    Guiding Question:
    What does the area of a velocity-time graph represent? Objectives:
    Calculate displacement, velocity and acceleration from motion graphs. HW:
    (4) d-t, v-t, a-t Graphs WB p. 29 [Due 8/31]
    (5) Motion Graphs WB p. 28 [Due 8/31]
  • Day 7 - Finish Areas and Slopes of Motion Graphs; Review for Test

    Day 7 - Finish Areas and Slopes of Motion Graphs; Review for Test
    Guiding Question:
    What are 5 questions that you might be asked on the test next period? HW:
    (6) Velocity-Time Graphs WB p. 31-32 [Due 9/2]
    (7) Review Motion PS WB p. 33 [Due 9/2
  • Day 8 - *TEST*; Collect HW Stamp sheet; Derive Motion Equations for constant acceleration

    Day 8 - *TEST*; Collect HW Stamp sheet; Derive Motion Equations for constant acceleration
    Guiding Question:
    What are the 4 motion equations used for constant acceleration. HW:
    (1) WB p 41 Motion Equations #1 do Q#’s 1-8 [Due 9/4]