
Most important historical facts in the UK in 19th century

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    French Revolution

    Was a period of social and political upheaval in France, members of the Third Estate (commoners). It ended by them taking control of The Bastille
  • Declaration of Women Rights

    Declaration of Women Rights
    The emancipation of women, refers to a historical process in which women achieved equality between them and men
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    Victorian Era

    In the history of the United Kingdom, the Victorian era was the period of Queen Victoria's reign. That period was important for reaching the top of its Industrial Revolution for the British Empire.
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    Opium War

    The cause were commercial interests of the Opium from China between France and the UK.
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    Second Opium War

    The cause were commercial interests of the Opium from China between France and the UK.
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    World War

    It was started by a conflict between the Austria-Hungary empire and Serbia. There were two bands, the Allies and the Central Powers. It ended by the signed of the Treaty of Versailles
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    Second World War

    It started by the invasion of Poland by the Nazis. It ended by the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Law for the equality between women and men

    Law for the equality between women and men
    Approved by the ONU achieving equality between sex, mainly economically and politically