Most Important Events in Russia History

  • Jan 16, 1547

    Ivan IV is crowned first Czar of Russia

    Ivan IV is crowned first Czar of Russia
    This signifies the beginning of a structured government in Russia.
  • Czar Peter the Great is Crowned Czar

    Czar Peter the Great is Crowned Czar
    During his rule, Peter the Great built up St. Petersburg, which became the center for Russia affairs.
  • Czar Alexander II liberates the serfs

    Czar Alexander II liberates the serfs
    This ended oppression of the lower class in Russian Society.
  • Trotsky and Lenin take control of the Russian Government

    Trotsky and Lenin take control of the Russian Government
    This signifies the end of Romanov rule.
  • The Soviet Union is Formed

    The Soviet Union is Formed
    The USSR became a huge military power
  • Period: to

    Stalin becomes dictator of the USSR

    Millions of people died during Stalin’s rule, due to his negligence and cruelty.
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    The Cold War

    This "war" was a 45 year deadlock between Russia and the US that left the world in fear of nuclear war.
  • Yuri Gagarin goes to space

    Yuri Gagarin goes to space
    This started the space race between Russia and the US.
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    Mikhail Gorbachev attempts to reconstruct Russian government.

    He attempted to make Russia a democracy through reforms such as Glasnost and Perestroika.
  • The Soviet Union falls

    The Soviet Union falls
    This left Russia on its own to try to form some type of government.