
Most important dates of the Middle Ages

  • 476

    Start of the Muddle Ages

    This day is most commonly given as the starting point of the Middle ages, in this year Romulus Augustulus was deposed as the emperor of WRE, and the empire stopped existing.
  • 622

    The birth of Islam

    This religion will affect the whole Medditerrenian region, Middle East, India, and other regions. Islam will become the world religion, and it's still an important factor in politics nowadays.
  • 732

    Battle of Poitiers

    During this battle Charles Martel won over the over the Umayyad Caliphate, stopping future Islamic conquests in Europe.
  • 756

    The birth of the Papal State

    The Papal State was formed and the Pope became not only religious, but a wordly leader as well.
  • 800

    Frank Empire

    Under the Charlemange reign Frank state becomes an Empire, from with later HRE and France will be formed.
  • 1000

    Revival of the towns

    From approximetely 1000 the revival of towns took place in the Western Europe, which completely changed the economical structure, and caused long- term changes in the society.
  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Christian church was split apart to Catholic and Orthodox churches. Byzantium Empire became much "further" from the Western European countries.
  • 1095

    The start of the Crusades

    Eventhough Christians could not keep the control of the Holy Land, Europeans gain the knowleges, for example from Ancient Greece, which were kept by the Muslims. Cruasades increased the cultural and economical connection between the East and the West, also the 4th cruasede was one of the reasons of the fall of the Byzantine Empire, and growts of the Ottoman Empire.
  • 1356

    German Golden Bull

    German Golden Bull was the major ducument decentralizing the HRE, which may be one of the reasons Germany was united only in 19th century.
  • 1492

    End of the Middle Ages

    This date is most commonly given as the end of the middle ages. In this year Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, which made possible colonisation of America by European countries.