Period: Oct 19, 1462 to
Oct 19, 1505
Ivan The Great
Want many provinces
Freed russia from Monogolians
Defended his own Territory
Ended 200 yrs of Tatar rule
Launched war againt Novograd Prince -
Ivan The Terrible
Aquired alot of land
Had uncontrollable anger
Made current russian territory
Lithuania destroyed his army
absolute power of Moscow
Has been Married several times
Father died when he was 3 -
Peter The Great
First emperor of russia
Made russia main source of power
The strietsy once more revolted
Studid ship buildings -
Catherine The Great
Most prominent ruler of russia
During her reign the arts and sciences had attention
Her son Peter took over russia after she passed away -
Nicholas I
Alexander II
Was the eldest son of tsar Nicolalos 1st
Educated by private tutors
Was mainly for the people
Created local councils to provide roads and schools
Alexander Soloviev tried to kill Aelzander III but failed -
Alexander III
Second son of Alexander II
Became Ruler after his Brothers death
During his rule there was an industrial revolution
Supported strengthing cappotaism
All his policies were harsh -
Nicholas II
Nicholas Father died on Oct. 1894
He married Alexandra Feodorouna
Coronation of Nicholas II placed in Moscow
Him and Alexandra Had 5 kids
While he was King Grigori rasputin was murdered
Him and his family were excuted shortly after Grigori Rasputin Murder