most destructive tsunamis in history

  • great lisbon earthquake

    after and earthquake of 8,5 grades on ritcher´s scale, the tagus river flooded lisboa and all the nearly towns, after that a firestorm destroyed what it was left, that natural disaster killed 30000 or 50000 thousand people
  • hawai earthquake

    after an earthquake of 7,9 ggrades on ritcher´s scale, a tsunami came and flooded hawai´s coast, it leave 77 people died
  • northen chlie tsunami

    after an earthquake of 8,5 grades on ritcher´s scale, the tsunami happened, it affected Peru, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Hawaii, Mexico, California and Japan, it killed 2,385 people
  • the one who affected all the indoesian coast

    in 2004 an earthquake happened in indian ocean, that talked to multiple tsunamis that affected all the coast of the countrys that border the indian ocean, it leaved 275 000 people dead, without counting all the things that got destroyed
  • japan´s tsunami

    the 11th of march an earthquake happen and after that the tsunami arrived to the coast, it destroy big part of the houses, shops, hotels, the coast got flooded, kill 15.812 people and is the most destructive event of this kind that had happen in japan
  • how we can prevent this?

    coast´s cities should have a safe and faster road to some high place, the probability to survive is more if you´re in a high place, so it will help meanwhile people should inform themselvees about how recognize a tsunami and how they should act in that moment