Most Damaging Tsunamis

  • Lisbon Earthquake/ Tsunami

    Lisbon Earthquake/ Tsunami
    On November 1st, 1755 an earthquake with an 8.5-9 magnitude hit Portugal. te earthquake causes a tsunami that killed somewhere around 40,000-50,000 people.
  • Krakatoa Eruption/ Tsunami

    Krakatoa Eruption/ Tsunami
    after he eruption of a volcano a tsunai formd. the tsunami hit the java an sumtra islands bt it effected places as far as south Africa. the tsunami detroes 70% of e islands and killed 40,000 people.
  • Aleutian Earthquake/ Tsunami

    Aleutian Earthquake/ Tsunami
    an earthquake of the coast of Alaska sparked a tsunami. the tsunami had waves reaching 13 storys in height and killed 159 people.
  • great chilean earthquake

    great chilean earthquake
    this tsunami was earthquake caused and had waves of over 82 feet tall. this earthquake killed 61 pope with a magnitude of 9.6.
  • Good Friday Earthquake

    Good Friday Earthquake
    happened in Alaska on good Friday. the magnitude was 9.2 and killed 119 people a third of the deaths were caused by the 70 meter waves.
  • Hokkaido Earthquake

    Hokkaido Earthquake
    this 7.8 magnitude earthquake caused a tsunami in a Japanese bay. the tsunami killed 120 people
  • Papua New Guinea Earthquake

    Papua New Guinea Earthquake
    this earthquake not only caused a tsunami but also a landslide. the magnitude of earthquake was 7.1. 120 people were killed.
  • Sumatra Earthquake

    Sumatra Earthquake
    huge earthquake (9.4) that caused a even bigger tsunami. the death toll reached 230,000 people
  • Samoa Earthquake

    Samoa Earthquake
    this earthquake was 8.1 on the richter scale. the following tsunami had 2 story waves and killed around 200 people
  • Chile earthquake

    Chile earthquake
    a tsunami formed after this devastating 8.8 magnitude struck chile. the death toll for the combo was 700 people.
  • Tohoku Earthquake

    Tohoku Earthquake
    this earthquake of 9.1 magnitude caused a devastating tsunami. the tsunami then triggered a nuclear melt down. the country suffered 20,000 deaths and is still recovering