Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)
The Lisbon Earthquake occurred on All Saints Day, Sunday, November 1st 1755. It was extremely destructive, almost totally destroying Lisbon. It had a magnitude range of 8.5-9.0. There was an estimated 60,000 casualties. Reports say the quake lasted between 3.5 - 6 minutes. The tsunami occurred 40 minutes after the earthquake going 150m on shore. -
Krakatoa Eruption (Java/ Sumatra)
The eruption of Krakatoa happened on August 8, 1883. The eruption had a vei level of 6. The tsunamis created were caused by pyroclastic flows entering the sea. There were 36,000 people killed. On August 27, over 70% of the island and it's surroundings collapsed. The destructive waves reached up to 151 ft. high. -
Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)
The Aleutian earthquake happened on April 1, 1946. The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.4. The death toll was 159 people. The tsunamis created by the quake caused $26 million in damage. There were multiple waves reaching between 45-130 ft. The tsunami waves traveled across the ocean at 500 miles per hour. -
Great Chilean Earthquake (Chili)
The earthquake occurred on May 5, 1960. It had a magnitude of 9.5. The tsunami arrived only 10-15 minutes after the shock, killing 1,655 people. The tsunami not only reached Chili, but also Hawaii, Japan, and the Philippines. Overall there was $23.5 million in damage. -
Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)
The earthquake happened on March 27th, 1964. The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.2, lasting 4 minutes and 38 seconds. 139 people were killed. It is the most powerful earthquake recorded in North American history, and the tsunami waves created were noted in 20 countries. -
Hokkaido Earthquake (Japan)
The earthquake happened on July 12th, 1993. It had a magnitude of 7.7. There were 230 people killed.The earthquake had two shocks, one of 20 seconds, and one of 35 seconds. The tsunami went 32 m onto shore. -
Papua New Guinea
The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.0. There were three tsunami waves that hit the shore. The estimated death toll was at least 2,200 people. The tsunami appeared just minutes after the shock. The maximum height of the waves was 49 ft. The worst hit was in the village of Sissano. -
Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)
The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.1. The earthquake generated a tsunami 100 ft. high. An estimated 227,898 people were killed. The earthquake was the third largest ever recorded. It lasted on average eight to ten minutes. Due to the high magnitude, it triggered earthquakes as far away as Alaska. -
Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)
The earthquake occurred on September 29th, 2009. It had a magnitude of 8.1. It was the largest earthquake of 2009. The tsunami created reached 46 ft. high, killing 189 people. Large waves were also reported on the coast of Fiji. -
Chile Earthquake
The earthquake happened on February 27th, 2010. It had a magnitude of 8.8. When the earthquake struck, the ground shook for 3 minutes. The shock triggered a tsunami, and 53 countries issued a warning. The number of casualties was 525 people. -
Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)
The earthquake happened on March 11th, 2011. It had a magnitude of 9.1. The shock triggered a tsunami that reached a height of 133 ft. There were 15,896 deaths reported. The earthquake was the most powerful ever recorded in Japan. The tsunami spread on the entire pacific coast.