Moroccan History

  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1000 BCE

    Berbers lived in Morocco

  • 1000 BCE

    Phoenician sailors build trading posts along the coast.

  • Period: 1000 BCE to 40

    Phoenician and Carthaginians rule the north of Africa

  • 40

    Annexion to the Roman Empire

  • Period: 40 to 229

    Roman Empire

  • 429

    Vandals gained control of the region.

  • 681

    Arab invasion

  • 711

    The Moors launch their conquest of Spain.

  • 740

    Berbers revolted against Arab ruling

  • 788

    Idris founds the first major Muslim dynasty.

  • Period: 788 to 974

    Idrisid Dinasty

  • 808

    Foundation of Fez

  • 859

    Fatima al-Fihri of Tunisia founded the Qarawiyyin mosque and madrasa in Fez, Morocco

  • Period: 1054 to 1143

    Idrissid dynasty

  • Period: 1055 to 1147

    Almoravid Dinasty

  • 1070

    Foundation of Marakesh

  • Period: 1130 to 1269

    Almohad dinasty

  • Period: 1258 to 1465

    Marinid dynasty

  • Period: 1472 to 1554

    Wattasid dynasty

  • Period: 1520 to

    Saadi Dinasty

  • 1578

    Battle of Alcácer Quibir (of the Three Kings)

  • Period: to

    Alaouite dynasty

  • Spain creates a protectorate in coastal areas of Morocco.

  • Zones of influence were carved out between France and Spain

  • Morocco becomes a French protectorate under the Treaty of Fez.

  • Period: to

    French rule

  • Tribal rebellion in Rif mountains is suppressed by French and Spanish troops.

  • Independence from France.

    Spain keeps its two coastal enclaves
  • Sultan Mohammed becomes king

  • Dispute over Spain's Ceuta enclave.

    Spain declares war, wins a further enclave and an enlarged Ceuta in the settlement.
  • Death of King Mohammed; King Hassan II comes to power.

  • First general elections.

  • The Polisario movement was formed as an effort to establish an independent state in Spanish Sahara

  • A state of emergency is declared following a period of social unrest; King Hassan suspended the parliament

  • Green March

    Spain agreed to transfer control of the Sahara to Morocco and Mauritania and the Spanish Sahara was renamed Western Sahara. Moroccan forces enter and occupy the territory.
  • Fighting between the Moroccan military and Polisario forces

  • Elections were canceled by King Hassan amidst political unrest and an economic crisis

  • A bicameral legislature was established

  • The first opposition-led government came into power

  • King Hassan II dies. His son, Mohammed VI, succeeds to the throne.

  • Suicide bombings in Casablanca kill 41 people

  • Mohammed VI instigates a raft of reforms, notably to the mudawana (family law).2008 The EU grants Morocco ‘advanced status’.

  • Arab Spring

    Popular demonstrations are held across the country demanding reforms to the constitution. A nail bomb detonated in the main square in Marrakech kills 17 people.