Morgan Harris Odyessus' Journey Timeline

  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    Summary: The Trojan War is a war between the gods, which began due to the love contest. It is said to have started after the abduction of Helen of Troy and her husband led a voyage. This battle lasted ten years, ending with the Greeks supposingly retreating from the war, leaving a horse with a raiding party inside.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters

    Lotus Eaters
    Summary: The Lotus Eaters are people on a small island who consume Lotus plants. These Lotus plants were intoxicating and made them go into a state of bliss. Odyessus' men ate this Lotus plant making them not want to go home.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters Pt.2

    Lotus Eaters Pt.2
    Analysis: The Men show how they had forgotten their purpose and became peacful after eating the Lotus. Odyessus' sees the Lotus as something evil because of what it had done to his men. The meaning of lotus eater is said to mean "a person who indulges in pleasure and luxury rather than dealing with practical concerns. This is portrayed by Odyessus' men not wanting to return home.
  • 1200 BCE


    Summary: Odyessus was stranded on the island of the Cyclops. The Cyclops first shows hospitality, then turns hungry and hostile towards Odyessus and his men. The Cyclops then kills and eats his men and traps the rest and Odyessus in his cave. Odyessus is unable to escape using the door so he hides behind the sheep and clings onto them while they are being let out.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War Pt.2

    Trojan War Pt.2
    Analysis: Although the Trojan War started because of Helen of Troy being abducted, it didnt end with her return. The Trojan Horse portrays a sense of innocence by being left and didnt create suspense. However, the horse was used to mask the intentions of destruction and fate. Blame, Revenge, Jutice, and Loss of Innocence are common themes of general war, and are all portrayed in different aspects of the trojan war.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops Pt.2

    Cyclops Pt.2
    Analysis: Odyessus and the Cyclops show a theme of vengeance which is also showed often times throughout the Odyssey. Odyessus knew that some of his men would die due to the Cyclops. As well as that there wouldnt be a way to escape and no one to help if he were to be trapped. If Odyessus hadnt wanted vengence so badly he wouldnt had acted so irrationally and would have made descisions with sensibility.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charydbis

    Scylla and Charydbis
    Summary: Scylla and Charybdis lived on opposite sides of the straight. Scylla was a sx headed monster, while Charybdis was a whirlpool.Scylla devours a sailor while ships pass. Charydbis is a whirlpool that can swallow the entire ship. Odyessus and his men had to navigate between the two.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aelous-Bag of Wind

    Aelous-Bag of Wind
    Summary: The Bag of Wind was given from Aelous to Odyessus to bring his boat back home to Itaca. Odyessus' told the men that they couldn't open the bag. The men lost hope and opened the bag. Making his ship blow off and get stranded.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus-Bag of Wind Pt.2

    Aeolus-Bag of Wind Pt.2
    Analysis: The faith of Odyessus' men and his ship were both lost during this. I think that having trust and faith is needed especially for a team. Odyessus' men trusted him when they were fighting the Cyclops which shows how they are able to come together. However, Odyessus knew they were going to die and didnt warn them of all the possibilities, Therefore, there is a lack of trust shown in the Odyessy.
  • 1200 BCE


    Summary: The circle is a godess who wishes to prevent Odyessus from going home. Circle has powers to turn Odyessus' men into pigs. Odyessus resists her magic, and him into her bed and releases his men from the spell. Because of Circle inviting Odyessus into her home he loses sight of wanting to go home due to her hospitality
  • 1200 BCE

    Circle Pt.2

    Circle Pt.2
    Analysis: Circle represents losing focus also becoming too engaged on fighting and vengence. This has been showed before by Odyessus' when he knew his men were going to be killed but went on in sight of vengence. Along with losing sight of wanting to go home just like the incounter with the Lotus Eaters.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis Pt.2

    Scylla and Charybdis Pt.2
    Analysis: Sailors die trying to get between Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla and Charybdis can symbolize having to choose between two bad choices. There isnt a better option between going passed the both of them.
  • 1200 BCE


    Summary: The sirens lead men with their voices to death. The sirens songs hypnotize the men and lead the to crash and cause destruction. If the men were to hear the song and escaped, they would die. When Odyessus' ship passed by them they throw themselves into the water and drown.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens Pt.2

    Sirens Pt.2
    Analysis: The sirens represent disire and tempation in the Odyessy. The sailors can be shown as a symbol of the danger that had to be faced at sea. A gain of the sirens for Odyessus is that he doesnt succomb to the tempation. This allows him not to get distracted and to be able to go on with his journey.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios Cattle Pt.2

    Helios Cattle Pt.2
    Analysis: This part of the Odyessy shows another
  • 1200 BCE


    Summary: During the absence of Odyessus, his wife Penelope called upon suitors to compete to take her hand in marriage. This comeption consisted of firing Odyessus' bow and fire it through 12 axes. Something that only Odyessus would be able to do. Odyessus came in disguse of a old beggar and the suitors felt reluctancy to give him food. However when it came to the competion, he was the first and only one to complete the task.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios Cattle

    Helios Cattle
    Summary: Odyessus and his men had promised not to harm the cattle however hunger grew. Odyessus' men killed the cattle of Helios causing an anger and want for vengence in Helios. Following the anger of Helios, Zues promises to send a lighting bolt and sink Odyessus' ship. However although this lighting bolt is sent, it kills all but Odyessus.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suiters/Home Pt.2

    Suiters/Home Pt.2
    Analysis: The challenege of the suitors shows a theme of loyalty. Penelope knew that no one was going to be able to complete the tast showing that she didnt wish to marry anyone else. Along with this she couldve moved on from Odyessus throught all of the time he was gone but she didnt. Loyalty has been shown multiple times during the Odyessy, of Odyessus, his crew, servents, and Penelope.