
Monumental Moments in the Web, Internet, and Social Media Since 2013

  • Snowden Whistles

    Snowden Whistles
    Edward Snowden had claimed to have stolen tens of thousands of confidential and classified documents from the NSA.
  • ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

    ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
    Created by Chris Kennedy, a professional golfer, this was a campaign used to not only bring awareness to ALS but also to help donate to find a cure. Over $115 million dollars was raised by this challenge.
  • #HashtagsChangeTheWorld

    In 2015, one thing that stands out to me that had a huge impact on social media was #lovewins. It was one of the longest trending hashtags (it was tweeted more than 6 million times) that came about after the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage must be recognized across all 50 US states nationwide.
  • Fake News Wins the 2016 Election

    Fake News Wins the 2016 Election
    2016 was a year I would, personally, like to forget but alas, the repercussions ring through to today. Fake news creates memes and "news stories" that helped usher Trump into the White House.
  • Net Neutrality

    Net Neutrality
    It is 2017 and the FCC has voted to repeal Obama's Net Neutrality regulations. Something that will affect the internet, web, and social media in a big way.