Dean wakes up in the morning for school, Exposition
It seems like a normal day in Colorado Springs, Colorado but little does everybody that goes to Colorado Springs High their lives will be changed for ever. -
Dean gets on the bus. Exposition
Here Dean has the choice of where to sit. Here you also are introduced to the main characters. Josie 16 year old hippie and greenist. Niko 16 year old nature man, smart and creative. Jake 16 year old football player, strong and not very smart. Brayden 16 year old football player Jake's bestfriend and strong but even dumber then Jake. And finally Astrid 16 year old beauty, intelligent and good at on the spot thinking. -
Dean's bus meets with the grammar school bus. Exposition
Here Dean's bus rendezvous with the grammar bus. Here in the book you meet more characters. Alex 13 year old Dean's younger brother, incredibly inteeligent and engineering. And Sahalia 13 year old nice yet lazy. -
Dean's bus is utterly destroyed by hail, Rising Action
Dean trying to stay away from the noise turns on his tablet and it doesn't work. All he hears is static coming from his tablet... or is it? Suddenly the noise gets louder and Dean realizes it's coming fro outside. The bus is being hit by hail! The hail noises get louder and dents in the roof get larger and suddenly the bus flips to its side. -
Panic spreads on the bus. Exposition
Panic spreads as the high schoolers try to rotect themselves by hiding under loos seats, rubble, even... corpses. Blood flowing like a river goes down the side of the bus. -
Dean and his friends are rescued. Exposition
Dean and his friends are saved by the grammar bus. In the end only 5 of them survive. -
The Grammar Bus driver abandons the kids to find help. Rising Action
Ms.Wooly the other bus driver leaves the kids. Astrid who used to work at the store they are at used to work there so she made them lunch. -
Day 2 at the store. Rising Action
The kids are very scared and feel threatened so they try to leave. But, outside dangerous chemicals are released into the air. They affect all blood types except for B. The effects are rage, blisters, and hallucinations. -
Day 3 funeral for the dead. Rising Action
Day 3. Today they had a funeral or ceremony for the dead. At the end they had to put candles at the center. Only 14 candles were there. -
Day 4 Dean finds out his parents are alive. Climax
One of the guys in the group Jake goes out to find help but only finds dead bodies and letters on a wall about people that are informing their family members that they had left for Denver an evacuation center. -
Day 4 The group decide to leave after finding out Dean's parents are alive. Falling Action
After finding out that Dean's parents were alive Jake went awol overruled by depression because he knew that his life was gone. He had been drinking and taking drugs at the store. -
Day 4 Falling Action Dean decides to stay
Astrid Dean's crush told him that she was 4 months pregnant. She didn't want to go to Denver so she wanted to stay. She begged Dean to stay with her. Dean had to stay. Alex Dean's brother got mad at him but he told Dean he won't forget him. Dean gave Alex a journal so he could write about Dean and show his parents and tell them about it. -
Day 4 Resolution
At the end Astrid Dean and Chloe were the ones left behind. Chloe was another kid with the same blood type as Astrid nd Dean they all had rage. Then Dean saw two little kids running towards the store door it was Caroline and Henry two kids that Dean had used to babysit. They stayed there for I don't know how long the book had ended. -
Direct: "Sure I was as skinny as a rail but my inventory wasn't that bad. Ash hair-okay, green-eyes-ok,height-nolonger a problem, build-need major improvement, glasses a drag, teeth and skin-fair,and clothes-sort of a wreck but getting better." (Laybourne, 26)
Indirect: Dean is very protective of his younger brother. He tries to keep him happy and protect him but when he was attacked by the chemicals he had attacked Alex. Other than that Dean tried to make sure Alex didn't doubt anything.