Moctezuma ll

Montezuma ll Timeline

  • 1466

    Birth of Montezuma ll

    Birth of Montezuma ll
    Montezuma ll was born on 1466 in Tenochtitlan, Mexico. Montezuma ll parent was Acamapichtli witch is his father. He had a sibling and his name was Cuitlahuac.
  • Period: 1469 to 1481

    When his father was ruler

    Moctezuma II's father, Axayacatl, ruled the Aztec Empire. From 1469-1481. When he died leaving his brother, Tizoc, to take over the throne. Tizoc whose reign from 1481 to 1486 was troubled by rebellions across the emperor.
  • 1502

    Montezuma ll becomes Emperor

    Montezuma ll becomes Emperor
    Emperor Ahuitzotl died in 1502. At that time Montezuma was serving as an official in Tolocan. A council of noblemen decided that Montezuma should be the next Aztec Emperor. He ascended to the throne as Emperor Montezuma II.
  • 1502

    Montezuma ll heads the war

    Montezuma ll heads the war
    In 1502 he succeeded his uncle Ahuitzotl as the leader of an empire that had reached its greatest extent. Montezuma has the head of the army. He organized expeditions of conquest in deference to Huitzilopochtli.
  • 1509

    Montezuma ll daughter Isabel Montezuma

    Montezuma ll daughter Isabel Montezuma
    Isabel Montezuma was the daughter of Montezuma II. Her mother was Teotlalco who was also Montezuma's principal wife. After her father's death, Isabel married her uncle, Cuitlahuac, who then became ruler. Cuitlahuac was Emperor for only 80 days because he died of smallpox in 1509.
  • 1510

    Montezuma turned inwards and faced serious revolts

    Montezuma turned inwards and faced serious revolts
    After 1510 Montezuma turned inwards and faced serious revolts throughout his territories. Montezuma began receiving news from the Aztec traders that strangers had been sighted. Several captured as slaves by the Maya of the Yucatan.
  • Apr 4, 1517

    Arrival of new people

    Arrival of new people
    Upon learning of the arrival of these new people in April 4 1517. Montezuma believed they were related to the gods. So, the Spaniards were allowed into the Empire without having to fight off the very successful Aztec army.
  • Nov 8, 1519

    Hernando Cortes arrives

     Hernando Cortes arrives
    Hernando Cortes arrive on Nov 8 1519 as soon as Moctezuma heard the news that Cortes had finally arrived at his Empire. He sent for them and wished to meet with them immediately. Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortés first met Montezuma, the Aztec emperor, at the entrance to the capital city of Tenochtitlan.
  • 1520

    Imprisoned and captive

    Imprisoned and captive
    In April 1520 imprisoned and living as a captive, Montezuma continued to rule. He had managed to plan rebellions and attacks on the men he now recognized as invaders. But a little later he had lost power among his Aztec people.
  • Jun 30, 1520

    Montezuma II died during a battle

    Montezuma II died during a battle
    June 30 1520 Montezuma II died during a battle against the Spanish Conquerors. But is very controversial opinions vary from him being stabbed by Cortes. When he was found useless to the Spanish Conquest to being killed by a rock thrown by one of his own people.