1740 BCE
Empres Maria Theresa
Some things she did as a ruler:
Rebuild a military
Started some education reforms
Centralize Government
Reformed tax codes
Expelled Jews from some of their lands -
1740 BCE
Maria Theresa
To be the ruler she had to marry someone, and so she did. -
1740 BCE
Maria Theresa become empress
Her raised to power made the Austria war of Succession (1740-1748) -
1648 BCE
Population decrease
German population decreased 30%, 50% of males died, diseases, femine, and expulsion decreased the population another 30% -
1648 BCE
Peace in 1648
Peace of Westphalia -
1629 BCE
Destruction of the Swedish army
1/3 of all Germany was destroyed -
1618 BCE
Defenestration of Prague
Ferdinand send Catholics nobles to the mostly Protestant city of Prague to say that everyone should turn Catholic. -
1618 BCE
Respond to defenestration
The Protestant responded by tossing the nobles out of the window. -
1618 BCE
Consequences of the Defenestration
Massive death and a "dark age" that cost 30 years of destruction. -
Problem for the Hapsburgs
Charles IV don't have any son, so there is none one to take the throne. Just a girl: Maria Theresa