Module Six Lesson Two Practice Activity One_Elijah Cooley

  • King Louis XVI calls the Estates General

    King Louis XVI calls the Estates General
    Faced with a financial crisis, King Louis XVI summoned the Estates General for the first time since 1614 to address taxation reforms. This exposed class tensions and led to the formation of the National Assembly, marking the start of the French Revolution. It was caused by the monarchy’s debt and widespread inequality, and it resulted in the decline of royal authority and the rise of revolutionary movements.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The Third Estate vowed to draft a constitution uniting against royal absolutism. This oath symbolized the National Assembly’s resolve and continued to develop the French Revolution. It was caused by the exclusion of the Third Estate and led directly to the drafting of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
  • The storming of the Bastille

    The storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille was a symbol of royal tyranny, and revolutionaries stormed it seeking arms and ammunition. This violent act marked the French Revolution’s first major uprising. It was caused by fears of royal retaliation and led to the spread of revolutionary attitudes across France.
  • The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    This document declared equality, liberty, and fraternity as fundamental rights, challenging the Old Regime’s hierarchical structure. Inspired by Enlightenment ideals, it was a response to widespread calls for reform. It led to the formal recognition of revolutionary principles.
  • The Women’s March on Versailles

    The Women’s March on Versailles
    Angered by food shortages and royal indifference, women marched to Versailles, demanding bread and forcing the king to relocate to Paris. The march emphasized the Revolution’s support and was a response to economic suffering. It weakened the monarchy’s influence and made the revolution more radical.
  • The Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria

    The Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria
    France declared war on Austria because they feared Austrian intervention to restore the monarchy. This escalated internal divisions and exposed the Revolution to external threats. It was caused by royalists’ and radicals’ differing ambitions and led to heightened revolutionary attitudes and the eventual execution of King Louis XVI.
  • Louis XVI is executed at the guillotine

    Louis XVI is executed at the guillotine
    Louis XVI’s trial and execution marked the end of monarchy and the rise of the French Republic. His death was caused by revolutionary suspicion of treason and escalated tensions with European powers, and it led to more wars and the radical phase of the Revolution.
  • Period: to

    Robespierre's Reign of Terror

    Under Robespierre, the Revolution turned increasingly violent and they began executing perceived enemies to secure its goals. This phase was caused by internal instability and external threats and ended with Robespierre’s fall, and it led to a loss of revolutionary unity, paving the way for Napoleon’s rise.
  • Napoleon is defeated by Horatio Nelson

    Napoleon is defeated by Horatio Nelson
    Nelson’s naval victory ended Napoleon’s hopes of invading Britain. This defeat was caused by British naval superiority and forced Napoleon to focus on continental dominance, and it led to the implementation of the Continental System.
  • The Continental System is implemented

    The Continental System is implemented
    Napoleon sought to weaken Britain’s economy by banning trade between Britain and Europe. This policy strained relations with allies, leading to widespread defiance. Its failure contributed to Napoleon’s military overextension and later defeats.
  • Napoleon is defeated in Russia

    Napoleon is defeated in Russia
    Napoleon’s invasion of Russia ended disastrously due to harsh winters and scorched-earth tactics. This defeat weakened French forces and alliances, leading to the formation of the Sixth Coalition which later defeated him at Leipzig.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Leipzig (Battle of the Nations)

    Napoleon is defeated at Leipzig (Battle of the Nations)
    The Battle of the Nations marked a decisive loss for Napoleon, forcing his retreat from Germany. It was caused by the collapse of his Grand Army and Russian defeat and led directly to his abdication and exile to Elba.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Napoleon is exiled to Elba
    After his defeat at Leipzig and invasion of France by the Sixth Coalition, Napoleon was abdicated and was exiled to Elba. This temporarily ended his reign and set the stage for his dramatic return during the Hundred Days.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo
    After his escape from Elba, Napoleon’s final defeat at Waterloo ended the Napoleonic Wars. This event was caused by his failure to unite Europe under French dominance and led to his second exile to St. Helena.
  • Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena

    Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena
    After Waterloo, Napoleon was permanently exiled to St. Helena. His final exile was caused by European powers’ determination to prevent further conflicts, and it marked the definitive end of his influence and the Napoleonic Era.