Brown v. Board of Education
The court ruled that "separate but equal" schools for blacks were unequal and therefore unconstitutional. This decision helped the Civil Rights Movement.
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This organization was founded by Martin Luther King, which told people that civil rights could be conquered without violence.
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Little Rock Nine
Little Nine Rock was the first place to have a group of black students go into Little Rock Nine High School. Lot's were angered but it also opened up the Civil Rights Movement internationally.
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Greensboro Woolworth Sit-ins
At the Woolworth Diner, four blacks came in and sat at the whites only section and refused to move until served.
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This was one of the principal organizations of the Civil Rights Movement. It came from a series of student meetings and it went against violence.
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This organization was created in 1909 by a group of liberals to eradicate racial discrimination.
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Jim Crow laws
These laws were written to separate the blacks and the whites in public areas. Blacks were being treated unequal.
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James Meredith and Ole Miss
A veteran was trying to enroll in the all white University commonly known as Ole Miss. He won a court case that ordered the University to desegregate.
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John F. Kennedy's Role in the Civil Rights Movement
He believed that major civil rights legislation would be submitted to the Congress to guarantee equal access to public facilities, to end segregation in education, and to provide federal protection of the right to vote.
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24th Amendment
This prohibited poll taxes. The right to vote can not be decided if they do or do not pay the poll tax.
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Lyndon B. Johnson's Role in the Civil Rights Movement
President Johnson signs into law the historic Civil Rights Act in a nationally televised ceremony at the White House.
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Civil Rights Act of 1964
This Act protects individuals and prohibits discrimination. No matter what the race, religion, color, sex.
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Malcolm X
he had renamed himself to show his loss of his African heritage. And his new take of Islam.
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Black Power and Stokely Carmichael
Head of SNCC who preached "overtaking white Americans" and preached "Black Power"-pride in history and heritage; create society apart from white society
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Black Panthers and Huey Newton
The Black Panthers was founded by Huey Newton. This was a self defense and violence against white people organization.
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Kerner Commission
This commission was created by President Johnson to see what the causes were with the 60's riots.
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Martin Luther King, Jr.
He encouraged social differences without violence. Lots say he was a spiritual speaker and encouraged lots.
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Assassination of MLK, Jr
Martin Luther King, Jr, was assassinated at the Memphis Hotel. His assassinator was James Earl Ray. A white male who hated the Black movement. His death set off riots throughout the country.
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