Module Five Lesson One Assignment One - AP European History

  • New Crops

    New Crops
    New crops were introduced to Europe. In this time, crops like potatoes and corn were introduced through the triangular trade route. This drastically improved nutrition and diet in Europe. It also led to a lot of profitable land in the Americas.
  • War of Spanish Succession Starts

    War of Spanish Succession Starts
    The War of Spanish Succession is sometimes described as the "First Modern World War". It was to determine which house should get Spanish Rule. The House of Bourbon and the House of Hapsburg both had claims to the rule. The Duke of Marlborough eventually won the war and stopped widespread French rule over Europe.
  • Crop Rotation

    Crop Rotation
    Crop rotation was a new way of farming which increased production. Rotation kept soil fertile almost all year, so that when planting season arrives, crops thrive. This idea was invented in about 6000 bce, but popularized and utilized in the 1700s. This led to a boost in the farming economy.
  • Invention of Electricity

    Invention of Electricity
    In 1752, harnessed electricity was invented by Benjamin Franklin. This led to a multitude of inventions and social change. Electricity led to industrial booms and productivity. It also made transportation a lot more accessible and easier to create.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian war was in 1754. This not only created tensions between Britain and France, but also put Britain in debt. This also caused the protection of colonial borders and the quartering act. All of this debt and acts eventually led to the American Revolution.
  • Seven Years' War

    Seven Years' War
    The Seven Years war was in 1756. This is very impactful because it put Britain into a ton of debt. This led to taxation of the colonies. Since the colonies were so mad about this, they eventually rebelled.
  • British IR Starts

    British IR Starts
    The British Industrial Revolution Started in 1760. The IR really started in Britain. This is due to the fact that Britain had a lot of money and natural resources. It also was the spark to the widespread IR.
  • American Revolution Starts

    American Revolution Starts
    The American Revolution started in 1765. This revolution was significant not only for the US, but also for Europe. Europe got a new trading partner. However, Britain lost its colonies.
  • Industrial Revolution Starts

    Industrial Revolution Starts
    In the late 1700s, the Industrial Revolution was started. This revolution led to a production of goods at a huge scale. It included factories and workers. It also led to a population boom and dramatic overpopulation of cities.
  • American Revolution Ends

    American Revolution Ends
    As Britain withdraws its troops from America, the colonies win the war. The French helped a ton in this war. This meant that Britain hated France. Also, lots of European immigrants came to the new US.