Module Five Lesson One Assignment

  • Quarantine of Bubonic Plague

    Quarantine of Bubonic Plague
    The quarantine of the Bubonic Plague in some European countries was societal event. The quartentine of the plague had a positive influence on society and would contribute to help the population of Europe grow. This had a major impact on society and allowed the population to increase unlike in the past because of the sickness. Europe was able to recover from the plague and had really had an influence on the rest of the events that took place during the 18th century in Europe.
  • Period: to

    18th Century Europe - Economy and Society

  • Open-Field System

    Open-Field System
    The open-field system had been used in the past but was now helping Europe become more economically successful than in the past. The open-field system was used by peasants and helped eliminate problems that generations in the past had faced with soil. This was a significant economic event that helped Europe out greatly. This event would later lead to the Agricultural Revolution that happened shortly after this successful economic event.
  • Cottage Industry

    Cottage Industry
    One of the most economically successful events that occurred during the 18th century in Europe was the creation of the cottage industry. The cottage industry brought about competition which was a concept that was thought by Adam Smith. The competiton between the different cottage industries allowed for cheaper goods for all of society. This event helped Europe economically as well as societally because it offered more economic jobs and overall, lowered prices for those in society.
  • Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    The agricultural revolution was a significant event in European history that brought about great economic success. Through the agricultural revolution, new technologies were made to support all of European society and lessen the chances that the people of Europe would suffer from hunger. Peasants during this time period were the main contributors to the agricultural revolution and gained social power during this time period. The open-field system was a common way the peasants operated the fields
  • Enclosure movement

    Enclosure movement
    The Enclosure movement was a significant economic and societal event in Europe during the 18th century. This took place in England, with the success that the Agricultural Revolution was bringing to large farm and land owners, they began to fence off their territory. By fencing off their territory this resulted in small farm and land owners to either move to the cities or to another country. Many moved to the cities and supplied England with the labor force for the Industrial Revolution.
  • Textile Industry

    Textile Industry
    The beginning of the textile industry in 1760 was very significant and began what is known throughout history as the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution began with the textile industries that started in England. The Industrial Revolution resembles what the economy of Europe was slowly progressing to, an industrial economy. This event has had a major impact on all of history and has greatly influenced many of the economically successful countries we have today.
  • Advances in medicine

    Advances in medicine
    The Industrial Revolution brought about new advances in medicine which was an event that had a positive impact on society and would lead to the population explosion that would occur later in the 18th century. The advances in medicine was very important and was a change from Europe's past. With multiple people working in industries, disease would have been able to spread very easily. However, these advances limited the spread of disease.
  • Improvement in Water Supply and Sewage

    Improvement in Water Supply and Sewage
    Just like with the advances in medicine, Europe during the 18th century experienced a societal change for the better. Water Supply and sewage were improved and also, limited the spread of disease through water unlike what had happened in the past. These events had a positive impact on the Industrial Revolution and all of Europe in general.
  • Putting-out System

    Putting-out System
    The creation of the putting-out system was an economic change to Europe's past and resulted in economic success. The putting-out system, would be where merchant employers would "put out" items to rural producers that would be at home. In this system, work would be put out by both the employer and the producers. This was a very successful economic system that was widespread throughout Europe.
  • Population Growth

    Population Growth
    Through the societal and economic changes of 18th century Europe, Europe experienced a major societal and economic change during the late 18th century through the population. As the population of Europe "exploded". The population grew significantly and had a major impact on the economy because there were now more sources of labor in the next generation as well as the need for food was going to be at a high. Societal changes happened in the form of new sickness being spread and higher wages.