Module 10 Assessment

  • Period: to

    World war 2

    Outcomes: France, Great Britian, and the United States controled West Germany and West Berlin while the Soviet Union controled East Germany and East Berlin. The Allied powers won the war while Japan, Italy, and Germany lost.
  • The Red Scare

    Where everyone was concerned about spys in the government
  • Period: to

    Harry Truman Presidentcy

  • United Nations Established

    It was created to promote international law, security, and economic development.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Said that America would help Greeceand Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent them from falling to communism
  • Period: to

    Marshal Plan

    It was an American attempt to aid European economies to prevent the spread of communism after World War 2
  • NATO

    A multi-country military alliance beween the countries in North America and Europe
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    A war between North Korea (supported by China and Russia) and South Korea (supported by the U.S.)
  • Period: to

    Eisenhower Presidency

  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    A war betewwn North Vietnam and South Vietnam with American involvment
  • McCarthyism

    The action of making accusations of teason with out proper evidence
  • Period: to

    Kennedy Presidency

  • Bay of Pigs

    An unsuccesful invasion of Cuba to liberate it from communist rule
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Russia put missles in Cuba pointed to Florida
  • Kennedys Assasination

    President Kennedy was assainated by Lee Harvey Oswald
  • Period: to

    Johnson Presidency

  • Period: to

    Nixon Presidency

  • Period: to

    Reagan Presidency

  • Period: to

    George H.W. Bush Presidency

  • The Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe

    The Berlin wall was taken down showing the end of communism in Europe
  • Period: to

    Persian Gulf War

    Operation Dessert Storm
  • The fall of the Soviet Union

    Acknowledgement the independence of the twelve republics of the Soviet Union
  • Period: to

    Clinton Prsedency

  • NAFTA was Formed

    North American Free Trade Agreement... an agreement between the North American Countries for free trade
  • Period: to

    George W. Bush Presidency

  • Terrorist Attacks

    The al-qaeda hijacked 4 passanger airlines and crashed them into the World Trade Center and the Pentaon killing 2'996 and injuring 6'000
  • Period: to

    War in Afghanistan

    American intervention into an Afghan civil war
  • Period: to

    The War in Iraq

    An armed conflict in Iraq due to the terrorist attacks on September 11