Basic Wage Rates are Increased from $2.40 to $5
Colorado Coalfield Massacre
Babe Ruth makes first major debut
Establishment of Rocky Mountain National Park
United States declares war on Germany
Time zones are established
Treaty of Versailles signed, end of World War I
League of Nations Established
American professional football league established
Readers Digest founded
Time Magazine published for the first time
First winter Olympics held
The Scopes Trial begins
The Great Gatsby published
Amelia Earhart becomes first women to fly over the Atlantic
Martin Luther King is born
London Naval Reduction Treaty is signed
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act is signed
21st Amendment is Passed
Social Security Act passed
Gone with the Wind is published
The Grapes of Wrath published
U.S. Congress enacts peacetime conscription draft
Lend Lease Act Approved
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Battle of Midway
Yalta Conference
President Roosevelt dies, and Harry S. Truman takes his place
Trinity Test in New Mexico